Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

A person can have multiple motives, two things can be true at one time which is many times true for me since people often thing you cant be genuine if you say something controversial.

But yeah, like you said I am not changing any minds and I am not trying to, the way I post is very challenging, it hits certain people’s beliefs directly which instantly makes them go in a defensive mode, and through that way I know which people are not worth or have 0 value for me.
In a sense, I am detecting who is a decent person worth one’s time, and who should be avoided.

Yes, you can theoretically say every human being no matter how terrible, no matter the terrible beliefs they have can be redeemed, but that would also theoretically take months if not years of personal therapy and I am not here to do that for them.

It is something I ve said a long time ago, some people are hopeless(Unless you use the above unrealistic scenario), they are bad and negative to the world, so at least they can be useful and provide me with some entertainment and laughs.

And there’s no regret here cuz these people are not innocent and they deserve this.

Oh remembered you were talking specifically about the thread, the additional reason for making such threads is because I would not lose an opportunity to remind people of minorities existing as people love to avoid it or forget it and being on their face kinda makes that desire of theirs impossible.

t. Person with no idea about psychology or sociology that believes 4chan is a bastion of freedom while in reality is just another site where people can be edgy and swear while a dominant culture still exists that must be adhered to.


Nothing you ever state is in any way “challenging.” The only thing it serves is to bring about drama, that’s all. There is no challenging logic or questions being asked, and especially nothing that promotes thought. It’s the ranting of a mentally unstable individual only looking to push talking points that anyone with internet access has available to them.

By that logic, no one on these forums needs to entertain your asinine posts either. Currently, the only one that appears to need therapy is you, that’s it. As you say, we aren’t here to provide that for you.

So confirmed troll, got it.


This is exactly the type of thing someone who uses 4chan would say.


OP uses 4chan…

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Is this supposed to be a “gotcha”?

More like a “it’s a pointless comment when the person you are in agreement with also uses the same site you use as an attack on another.”

More like “it’s a joke.”

More like “you suck at jokes.”

Someone thought it was funny.

Caring about 4 Chan, omegalul


Someone always thinks something is funny.

I would almost say it is a place filled with underage teens who think being edgy and throwing around swear words freely makes them think they are “free thinkers” in a “freedom” site but sadly I am absolutely certain many are way past 20 or even 30 at this point.

Some people clearly never grow up.

Please never refer to psychology or sociology ever again

It’s embarrassing when you do


And id say that furries are people too scared of being gay so they create a fursona so they can live out their fantasy’s and somehow detach them from the reality of who they truly are

But just assuming things like that can be extremely dangerous you see

Thinking 4Chan cares if someone is Gay? Tsk tsk

It’s funny how the people always complaining about “pushing agendas” are the ones pushing the hate agenda of their own. Almost like they are projecting or something…


That website is like 20% traps, 20% rate my organ, 20% furry art and 35% nudes you shouldn’t share

The 5% left is just anything else and usually YLYL

I’l pick naive, cause i actually didn’t know.

Yea, that’s what minor characters are for all intents and purposes. Minor.

I think what you are referring to here is the fact that Warcraft never had a gay couple like this. I can’t say this is new to Warcraft, and i can tell you right now that this isn’t a new thing in general since this has existed in media before. And take this with the grain of sand you viewers at home can, correct me if there is other same smex couple in warcraft or WoW that i don’t know about.

But the point here is using that to knock gamers is a jerk thing to do, cause you are labeling people who dislikes that sort of thing.

I’m not going to deny their are people who are like what you said, but they are in the minority of people who would look at this. And those people don’t need to be paid attention too.

I do agree they should just get the heck over it, it is just a stupid romance between two characters we never even heard of.

You don’t pay those silly geese attention, that’s really all they want.

I know that sounds like a copout answer to you, but don’t you think you will just further flame the fuel that way?

You can kick those kind of people out of your communities, sure. Show them that they need to accept people for who they are. Or look past that or not let their external traits affect who they are.

But if you are looking for an answer that isn’t just ignoring people, then, try at least to convince them why their way of thinking is bad and get them to think about something else? :man_shrugging:

I already given my thoughts on why people don’t want to talk about politics in video games here, so i don’t want to retread the same thing here… even though i do that most of the times.

What i can say here, is just because somebody doesn’t want irl politics in their game, doesn’t mean they want the bigots and other terrible people to spread. You can be against terrible people like that and not want irl politics in your video game. Those things aren’t mutually exclusive.

i never thought i would get you explaining your example here. Must be Christmas. :open_mouth:

I’m not too sharp on the history of Germany, besides the obvious-obvious points that stick out, mainly the WW2 bits and the stuff i read with Anne Frank and Boy in the Striped Pajamas (While Fiction, does give me a bit of an idea of what the war looks like from a Jewish perspective). Though i doubt yours, but going along with this ride here… so what your saying here is because of a few people that is in the community that are actually like this… your saying the entirety of the said community, gamers, are terrible people… Is that correct?

Obviously gamers don’t have a problem with minorities and such being in games. There’s way too many games to count that has minorities in them. Painting a few odd ducks as the rule, not the exception, isn’t an honest way to characterize the entire community.

As for forced diversity, this isn’t the case of forced diversity, cause these are just… well, new minor characters. Along their not all in your face about it, or affect the story in an unnatural way, and i want to say this applies to the Majorities as well. Everybody here, not just minorities. So trying to shove an American male into an Asian film that’s suppose to be all Asians is forced diversity. So even if this is a straight romance, if they just shove it in my face like that, it would just be annoying, and quite frankly some people will find that annoying.

It’s really how it’s all presented that gamers have a problem with. But you don’t actually believe it’s the case and think it’s just we hate minorities, that’s what game journalists like Polygon, Kotaku and so on do, they assume it’s cause of the external traits that person has or that person in that game.

Let alone that, just saying Gamers are equal to the NATSO is silly to begin with, cause Gamers aren’t actively killing anybody.

…and by the by, can you at least, take up my advice on getting the actual trademark symbol in your “GamerTM” joke? I mean, at least complete the joke if your gonna continue using that. :man_facepalming:

There is, you just don’t want to believe in middlegrounds existing. But they do. And people often pick in between, cause many topics, does have a gray area or exist on a spectrum.

Can i ask why you are bringing up human rights here?

A website where everyone is kinda treated equal? Sounds cool

So just my opinion… sexuality has no place in World of Warcraft.