Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

4chan’s not really the monster you’ve been told, it’s literally just free flowing thought.

but nobody likes an annoying trihard.


Yeah, problem with your logic is that I actually engage with human behavior on a daily basis. You know, as opposed to you, someone that sits behind their desk attacking people constantly in projection for their own failings, both physically and mentally.

It’s no one’s fault that no one will ever love you except your own.

Ooooft I see someone has taken the talent for dirty tricks and knows how to abuse it

Never seen someone have a rez timer on the forums

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What was that you called him? A “Concern troll”?

I may need to take notes from you.

Lmao someone actually defended that site xD

I mean you arent completely wrong, bigots would thrive in that site as the dominant culture is one of hate and bigotry.

Because there is no free flawing thought, there is a dominant site culture which the average poster has to abide by, the moment an actual free thinking individuals appears that isnt bound by the culture they get butthurt which is hilarious, i actually feel rly good that I ve done so much damage they still talk about me years after xD

They are nothing more than another close minded society with a dominant culture that tries to remove anything different, but hey keep telling yourself you are a free thinker xD

Considering you seem to frequent it quite a bit, that says a lot about yourself as well.


that’s basically it, yeah. people stopped replying to his s**tposting in wowg, so he came to concern troll in other places to stir crap.


I go on 4chan a fair bit and I’m left as heck

All folks go on there

Only going off of his own, twisted logic.

I honestly want to know your intentions with the threads you create and the way you go about them.

Because from the outside looking in all you are trying to do is pick fights. Like right now, this back and forth is so ridiculous. The antagonistic and patronizing tone you take is so counter-productive to your supposed and stated goals that I have a hard time believing you actually stand for the things you claim to stand for.

All you do is make people defensive. You’ll never change a person’s opinion or stance. Granted, the WoW forums or Reddit/4Chan aren’t the best places for attempting that as is, but at least there can be discussions and dialogue.

So I really want to know your thought process on this, because as it stands, you’re your own problem.

Are you new there, cuz last time I was there was years ago when they had to ban half of a country’s ISPs xd

He doesn’t


half of wowg jacks it to furries and futas, i don’t think big man adolf would approve of that.

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Not to turn it into a bullying circle but this is the exact way I look at the OP

The amount of times he’s told me I don’t know how to think because I don’t agree with him is beyond count now

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He’s not here to really raise any awareness, he uses that and oppressed groups to fuel his manipulative flames at people easy to set off and fight amongst themselves while masquerading as this saint who wants equality.

This smokescreen is over.

the freeflowing thought fosters /pol/, though

I used to go there, but then there was a shift where it felt like /pol/ had infested everything

Can’t say I’ve ever been on /wowg/ and sounds like I’ll avoid it because furries trigger me

Before the two of them had their spat I would have agreed with you. Tali’s attacks were childish and hypocritical. In particular he cried about how Asmon is responsible for all of his fan’s actions and words, and attacked Asmon for “punching down” by speaking negatively about other streamers due to the power that Asmon wields. A couple days later Tali went back to his weekly videos where he and his wife regularly grab posts from these forums and elsewhere and mock complainers.

The thing that irritated me the most was that the way Tali spoke and acted during that fight made me defend Asmon. I can’t stand Asmon. By the end of it I dropped my sub/follow of T&E.


might not be pleasant to some, but i feel it’s needed for a truly free society.

free flowing thought is all important to me, even if it can bite me in the rear sometimes.

Anyone happen to catch the overwatch forum when they decided to make S76 gay

Now that was a brawl