Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

Didnt know about that one it really is true tho.

Ooooh really? This i GOTTA see.

And that is why many people from the new generations have absolutely no problem with abandoning their blood family because blood means nothing when it is full of people like that, you can surround yourself with far better people that would be a far better family than blood ever could.

Might want to also google “The creator of Godwin’s Law explains why some Natsi comparisons don’t break his famous Internet rule”

Cuz things went so bad, he himself had to point out that yes, some ppl should be called that


he concern trolls there, too.

he’s just a troll that nobody likes from /wowg/ on 4chan, they hate him too.

I don’t mind if people rage and tantrum about something as minor as a same sex couple in a game… makes it easier for me to weed out the folks I need to avoid~

Being hated by a group of hateful angry incels who try to suppress all minorities is something I would wear as a badge of honor tbh : )


Oof incels?

No wonder they YEET you out of there, Reddit goes after that word too.

Anyone share the link of the reddit post where he is getting blasted. Would love to read :sweat_smile:

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which is why you screenshot yourself and post it there nearly every thread.

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I would with trust level 3.


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Now it’s a commodity, now it’s monetized. Look at your boy, Taliesen. Taking a stand against homophobia, racism.

Funny, he didn’t take that stand years ago. Funny he didn’t make a video years ago decrying racism and homophobia.

I’m cool with everybody so I don’t gotta make a video

Oh that is interesting, seems like they are still butthurt over being an unapologetic gay furry pandaren years after xD

Well I am not surprised, when you are so wrong and bind yourself to moronic hateful incel cultures that one person who doesnt bend over those and is unapologetically themselves does stick to such people’s minds xD

I am quite unique indeed uwu

Bruh, if 4chan is throwing you out, that says more about you than them. They’re the cesspool of the internet. If trash is throwing you out.

That’s not good.


sure, i’ll remember that next you do your usual “looks like ralph is at it again haha” post.

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You sure are projecting quite a bit.

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Yeah look all I think you would do is stereotype minorities into sounding like they’re screaming at everyone

Your optics are horrible which does more damage than good


Which is probably why he’s getting the cannon.

Look. I know I’m a fox but at least hear me out.

This thread apparently hates Chinese people and blame them for homophobia

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Well your comments are quite enough proof for me to see you have little idea about human behavior and sociology which are things i pointed towards in that post.

And instead use the projection meme fruitlessly which suggests you felt defensive enough to post and be about it so yeh, dont mind if i dont take your comment too seriously uwu

Also lmao I just checked my above post and it has 4 replies, 3 of them from people i ve already ignored xD

Ugh can you stop with the “uwu”. Please?

You know what, don’t, don’t stop. I’ll let this dumpster fire you started continue to burn you like it’s starting to do right now.

You reap what you sow.