Take Action against Premades

You’re so bad at trolling that other trolls are shutting you down. :rofl:

Should probably take your own advice and:

Dude, that doesn’t even make sense.

I’m still salty you left those Epics… your screenshot would have been awesome on my Twitter.

The people that scream troll all the time are the same people that call married men with children incels. Nothing but projection.

You calling anything anyone else says dumb is like Biblical flood levels of irony.

This is coming from the same people calling people cheaters, even after people link things showing they aren’t cheating.

Another death blow from the irony rod.


Still never seen a link saying what you guys claim it says.

I don’t think you know the meaning of the word irony.

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just because one blue post says its not cheating doesnt not mean they are even talking about the mass que synch communities in discord spamming games all day long. This is a problem man. A big one

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The blue doesn’t even say it’s not cheating it says he doesn’t consider it cheating. But these people aren’t just “queueing at the same time”.

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you got a link to the full blue post bro?

Me? no I don’t.

yeah they really only qoute the stuff that makes it look favourable to them i read it all before in its entirety and its not what they think it is. it’s like some moron qouting the bible to make their insanity look normal

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Random bg are not dead. There are plenty of us who don’t have time to devote to a group or guild that does premade rbg. The original poster is absolutely correct. The players who do premade in a random bg are just too awful to play rbg. Unfortunately they are just coordinated enough to win the random most of the time.


better said than what i say. its enough of an advantage that its cheating

That’s literally what it says. There’s no personal qualifier in the post. Where did you get “he” from? They’re a Blizzard rep for the 1000th time, not some rando like you and Soulpriest.

making your bed every morning is how adults live.
crisp hospital corners .

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So blizzard reps can’t ever say anything incorrect? WILD

You’re not getting your allowance until you listen to your teachers and capitalize your sentences!

The same person that calls everyone trolls guys.

not an allowance, it’s called a budget. my jeep payment is as much as some people’s mortgage.

super wierd flex cheater

Oh, so you’ve never seen it???

I thought you never saw it?? Then how do you know what it says?..and not only know what it says, but also use your ridiculous pretzel logic to interperate and analyze what the dev was saying.

You are such a nincompoop. You know exactly what the dev said. You know that they don’t consider it cheating. You lost this argument years ago.

Utter nincompoop.