Take Action against Premades

After seeing so many of these posts, I figured I’d add my own as another reminder to blizzard that PVP premades in a RANDOM QUE game mode are objectively a poison to the game and the entire PvP community. Allowing this to happen destroys balance, severs the communication of people interacting with eachother in chat, and alienates new & returning players which ruins casual PVP as a whole. It’s not random anymore. 9/10 games as a solo player you either hope your team mates are a premade, or you get stomped. WPVP is dead, and random BGS are the only form of casual PVP that the game has left. I don’t care if people group for premade RBGs because it’s rated, but for the love of God please take preventative action in some way against people abusing sync manipulation. If you made it this far, thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day. <3
Please keep the replies as a Civil discussion. I may or may not reply since I prefer playing the game instead of sitting on forums all day, and this is more to make a point anyways.


Do you mean people are queue syncing to abuse the ranked blitz mode? havent really played this expac so not sure what you mean

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That is spam. It is much more helpful if you post in one of the already existing threads.

Why so you and your ilk can move the goalpost? No, it’s good to keep making these posts. Need to get blizzards attention.


So he can abide by the forum CoC and not get his posts removed for spamming.

But you said blizzard isn’t paying attention. So why would you need to report it?
Also nowhere does it say you aren’t allowed to make similar posts or there would be very few posts in the threads lol


OP plays one epic and loses.

in my opinion you need a larger sample size before you can come to an unbiased opinion.

I like this post. I don’t do epics or run into these little Que Synch players but the whole idea that they are allowed to do this is ridiculous. It ruins the entire genre of PvP and gives us all a black eye. I just want them to have their own forum called “Que synch community” so as not to confuse them with real PvP players. People who play with integrity and in the spirit of good sportsmanship. They are cheaters, exploiters and manipulators of game loophole.

Garbage players using garbage methods to take advantage of solo Que players. Terrible for PvP as a whole which already gets no resources put towards it these cheaters don’t help our cause to get balanced fair games


So he’s not allowed to say anything because he doesn’t spam epics all day? Maybe you should use your brain and think why someone’s first epic was a bad experience and makes him not want to keep doing them. But you don’t actually care as long as you can stroke your tiny ego and think you are good at the game.

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Random means the map, not whatever you want it to. Has nothing to do with premades

If you mean preamdes of 5 people or less, go find another game to play. This is a group based mmo

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Just play Blitz, brother. Random battlegrounds are dead.


Then why aren’t rated called random rated bgs?


Then why isnt it called random wsg if i specifically queue for wsg.


Because bob is wrong as usual. Random classes in random gear with random experience levels. The parameters of randoms are basically be lvl 70 and everything else is up for grabs. You could be a gladiator standing beside some poor Schlap who just got boosted to lvl 70 in green questing gear and never done PvP in their life. And everything in between. It’s not just maps. I think they started to ensure each side got equal amount of healers but at one time that wasn’t really the case.

PS: I agree with him on one thing…pre-made groups are different than Que Synch scumbags. Premades could be just some buddies in a five man group or guildies queing into bgs. That is encouraged and super cool. Que synchers are cheaters exploiters unsportsmen like losers who should not be referred to as PvP players


Im agreeing that random only refers to the map.

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No he isn’t wrong. Random specifically refers to the map, not your opponents.

Because theres no option to specific queue a map in rated bgs. So there’s no need to say that its random.

I mean you could mouse over random battlegrounds and it will explain to you in a single sentence what they mean by “random”

Everything else you listed are just things that make up random battlegrounds, but it has nothing to do with the word random.

Soulfu just another one of those people that just enter in whatever definition they feel like to the word random :joy: :joy:

As UsUaL SoUlFu Is WrOnG

Then why are rated bgs not called random rated bgs?

I just told you