Take Action against Premades

Now you seen it…nincompoop.

I don’t think so, Tim. A typical mortgage is about three times a car payment.

Ah. 85% of everyone except for about half of one generation working more hours than medieval peasants and getting payed less for it and treading water.

Feels good man we are really headed in a good direction. My “American dream” is getting a remote job with a western salary and getting out of the us as soon as possible.

I remember I went overseas one time and it was crazy how many lies are told about everything outside the west like it’s some destitute hell scape but in my experience nothing could be further from the truth.

Reading comprehension is hard for you it seems. I said I have never seen one saying what you guys claim it says.

Clearly I am refering to the one you guys say says what you claim but clearly it does not.

Show me where in here it says what you guys are doing isn’t exploiting. You guys aren’t just “queueing at the same time”. Also go look up what “considered” means.

Glad to see the forums are still just constant complaints about premades. The solutions for 40 man premades, and 5man premades is to make unrated pvp cross faction.

For 40mans it would break up groups and make the games less onesided.

For 5 man groups it would randomize what side they’re on so you’re equally likely to have them on your team or the other team.

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Love when sync queue people suggest “cross faction” just proves that it won’t work more and more. That’s why you guys keep pushing it.



  1. having been thought about carefully.

I’ll use it in a sentence.

I have coinsidered all of your posts and have determined that you are a nincompoop.

But even if it was legit cross-faction, don’t you think they’d still be able to preform? I don’t imagine there’d be any restrictions there as to whom you party with.

Uh oh looks like someone has lost it, also don’t just use one definition use the one that fits the context

Again, you guys don’t just “queue at the same time” so this wouldn’t even apply to you.

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They will still be able to form and queue, but their groups would get randomly assigned to a side, so they’ll be fighting against eachother.


This is the longest freakin post in wow history

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i didn’t say it had to be a nice house.

He had a little bit of a meltdown I think HAHA

Well…cheaters don’t like being called cheaters.
This guy looks like a giant spaz :joy: good work!

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I try my best.

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I love your work against these cheaters it’s awesome man

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Again, like i said before, if premaders had their own forum then you would still go post the same thing there even though you don’t do premades. The only difference it will make is you will have to post your anti premade ideas in the regular forums and the premade forums. That will just be extra work for you.

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Yeah not what I wanted, but you have to be repetative for nincompoops to get it. Kinda like a mantra.

Don’t think it worked though.

Nincompoops gonna nincompoop.

BTW buff hunters!!

Well said - 10/10

Pre-mades are cool and encouraged. Que synchers are cheaters and not real PvP players.

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