I lost 350+ honor levels with TWW release

First of all - you targeted me by asking people to vote kick me - because of who I am, and my Honor Level, which you mentioned several times. That’s harassment.

You made false claims in game and on these forums saying I had 0 damage done - which is obviously a scoreboard error on your part. Try reloading.

Then instead of correcting your false claims on these forums by saying… he actually finished top damage done, and won the game for us with 35 resources left - you mislead people into thinking I afk in stealth. I lead that game in damage done, and killed that boss on a FERAL Druid. Nobody can lead a game in damage done on a Feral Druid (other than me.) I was in stealth because I was making my way to the boss.

Then you whisper me… saying you reported me? Why did you report me? Because I’m good?

Seriously, you people don’t care about Honor Level… right? Why target me in game? Why lie about me on the forums? Just leave me alone.

I won the game for us… I lead the game in damage done - admit it.

I was not ‘‘afking in stealth.’’

I’m off these forums for good, dude… I’m tired of being harassed. Do me a favor - you see me in game - come find out how good I am. I promise you - I won’t be the one who has to rez.

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