Take Action against Premades

this guy…all he has to do is join me and que up. if he’s as good as he says he is…my bad. maybe he knows what hes talking about and im in the wrong. im all about learning. but he keeps dodging my offer to play. only his little groupies will see him in action.

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Why would they?

well you’d think someone with a hero title would be willing to show me just how wrong my opinions are. a good opportunity to show up this punk soulpriest

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They won’t even wargames anyone lol

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Maybe he suffers from the same affliction I suffer from.

Nobody’s opinion but ours… matters.

Him proving you wrong is meaningless. It’s like Frey complaining about queue synchers every day - it doesn’t matter to Blizzard. None of them will be getting banned, or suspended. That’s a fact. The only ‘‘solution’’ coming is cross faction - and if they find a way around that - that’s how it’s going to be. Just because you insist on spewing out false accusations about somebody - doesn’t mean they have to waste their time disproving it.

how do you know it doesnt matter to blizz? frey has every right to make whatever opinion he wants provided it doesnt break the conduct agreement. I support him. hes a good dude and player. he’s not some airchair scrub he knows how to play at a high level and his opinion is valid and no one is to judge whether his opinion is valid except those that hear it. you know, i watch sports owl and im from canada. one of the worst franchises in history are the toronto maple leafs. no championships since 1969. yet they sell out every game. and no one says anything…they’ve all accepted mediocrity. if you speak out you arent a real fan. same deal in pvp here…we just accept whatever regardless of how awful it is for the community. let the man speak.

well…didnt you read…he doesnt que-synch…he’s not part of that community anymore i guess lol

Because, I know… and when Randoms/Epics become cross faction - you’ll know that I knew all along.

As for Akatsuki - I’ve known that man since the 60s… we went to Woodstock together back in Aug of 1969. Great guy - honest, and wouldn’t cheat a soul. He has nothing to prove.

I love the guy… and I’d be proud to do BGs with him.

Has to earn his allowance somehow. Having to make your bed every morning is a hard knock life.

Sync exploiters destroy the game every day. Why wouldn’t I talk about it?

That’s not a fact unless you are the one making decisions for blizzard and sorry but you’re not lol

Cross factions are a pointless idea it’s just what sync exploiters want because they know they can keep abusing it. And he’s asking him to prove he’s the good player he claims to be. What false accusations did he make? The dude admitted he played with Ruin and now is changing his story.

It’s clear both of you don’t live adult lives. But that’s not surprising at all.

wait what?? the 60s?? that would make you guys like 90 or something

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You mean waiting in a city for 5 hrs just to q sync 5 groups of 5 all in the same epic bg and then only get to play like 2-3 games maybe if ur lucky before everyone is “tired” and goes to bed .
and when you play those games are easy rotfl stomps because most the time ur vs pugs if you arnt merc moding it either tbh .
YUH what a great FUN experience sure thing . :roll_eyes:

We’re both up there - not as fast as we used to be - but I’m still capable of doing 249 million damage on my Feral Druid… while some Honor Level 300 accuses me of being ‘‘afk.’’

I’m so old - Phil Spector asked for MY autograph.

I was happy to comply.

yeah epic numbers dont really mean anything to me with all the feasts and aoe damage its easy to pad out. my bad you old timers enjoy your game.

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Plot Twist - I’m spec’d single target on my Feral Druid.

thats good owl. not many ferals around that can bang like that. i’ve played since nilla too. and any ferals that can pound its because they been feral since day one

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Feral is very good at the moment. They can do big damage but sitting in an epic bg doing big damage doesn’t prove anything.

It actually does - 249 million damage (1st in the BG) and winning the game at the end for my team… proves that I wasn’t ‘‘afk’’ like the person claimed.

See, the person in question harassed me all BG by trying to get me vote kicked from the BG by saying ‘‘Mr Honor Level 2200 is afk.’’ It’s impossible to be afk and do what I did.

After the game ends… he tells me via whisper that he reported me… for doing too much damage. So, hold on - was I afk… or did I do too much damage?

People on this forum are now starting to harass me in game. Why? Envy?

I don’t care about the AFK thing lol you have admitted before you sit in the back and wait for 1v1’s. If you don’t care, why are you caring so much?

Do you have proof of this? Names?