Sync queue premades need to be abolished

wow isn’t hardcore or full loot, neither are most online pvp games.

sounds like you got a pug game.

Still MMO’s with sweaty players.

This was my original quote. Premade Raid grps in Epic BGs is hardcore compared to the rest of the player base. Regardless of what you say the PVP population is declining in many ways if you cater to the select few, everyone else goes PVE.

This is happening in WOW right now, hence they are making changes. You probably did not even look at the video, there is a lot more to it than the title suggests, after all PVP is PVP whether you are looting someone’s gear or not.

Most of it is down to Blizz’s neglect, but a part of the player base need to take responsibility for PVP in the game they say they love, instead of thinking of themselves. That won’t happen because the feeling of power is a drug that most cannot quit, so I predict further decline over the coming years or Blizz will change PVP beyond all recognition to the way it is now.

Or they may get rid all together eventually. The amount of work involved in keeping a player base in check that want to circumvent everything they do may be deemed not worth it anymore, or just let it rot. The business case from a monetary point of view will be a huge factor. Luckily they seem to be wanting to change things but there may come a time when enough is enough if it carries on.

i actually feel sorry for them

no truly good player would ever try to gain an unfair advantage. the really good players are there for the competition, and that’s undermined if they have any kind of unfair advantage

so across all multiplayer games, the ones you see with cheats or exploits or any kind of “win before you even start playing” mentality are the truly sucky players. the bottomfeeders. the rejects.

they need compassion more than anything else.


Correct… but you know what they hate? Cheaters.

Correct because you can’t… but you are exploiting to get around that.

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Still plan on dying on Semantics Hill I see.


One thing they were correct on is COD etc. raking in the dough. MMO’s in general will never make as much money as these games. Completely different genre. PVP within an MMO when it gets out of control is hugely unpopular, and the player base is so small now in PVP it will continue to decline.

Halitosis has already said he’s not a fan of PVP, and I think if he had his way it would be gone from his precious PVE MMO dream. The current player base is playing right into his hands by their hardcore antics. Let’s face it, PVP does attract some less than savory individuals to the game style, it’s dog-eat-dog, compared to running around picking herbs or killing a boss on repeat.

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One of the biggest problems is Blizzard keeps trying to make wow pvp into a e-sport and it’s not working.


that’s a pretty incorrect take. even still, i don’t have any unfair advantage.

anyone ever baked bread?

Thanks for the great video - while it’s a little old, I think it is still just as valid and confirms my belief. MMO PvP population is small already, let’s not make it hard for each other.

My position on this Premade matter remains the same. However, just wondering if this would work as a temporary solution until Blizz fixes their game design problem: ALL premade groups agree to play ONLY within certain time-frames and days, ideally slightly off the peak hours, maybe 2 sessions per day and 1.5 hrs max for each session. This is just to kick off the discussion and the schedule is open for adjustment. The final agreed schedule should be made public and perhaps Premade leaders could announce their commitments. The goal is to minimize disrupting the Pugs during peak hours while providing room for Premade’s activity.

As I said before, I enjoy playing with both Pugs and Premade and hope one day I can play without feeling guilty.

I will create a new topic for this idea and get feedback there without derailing the chats taking place already.

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Most of the premade people do not care about the game whatsoever there is no point trying to work with them. Perma bans are the only answer now.


Yeah, I still think his views on the genre are totally valid. He knows his stuff for sure.

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You literally started threatening forum goers with criminal legal action when a recording was released of your beloved leader raging in a discord chat…

Most things you say aren’t rational


no i didn’t.

Yes you did.

You quoted whole Californian Law Statutes to try to back up your claim of criminal offending committed.


telling someone they violated the law is not the same thing as threatening them. some reason you feel the need to stretch the truth?

Laws don’t work that way bud. But no Suprise you try to attack people that call you out.

laws don’t work what way?

the way you seem to think they do lol