Proposal/Idea for Premade activity

MMO PvP population is small already, let’s not make it hard for each other. My position on this Premade matter remains the same. However, just wondering if this would work as a temporary solution until Blizz fixes their game design problem:

ALL premade groups agree to play ONLY within certain time-frames and days, ideally slightly off the peak hours, maybe 2 sessions per day and 1.5 hrs max for each session. This is just to kick off the discussion and the schedule is open for adjustment. The final agreed schedule should be made public and perhaps Premade leaders could announce their commitments.

The goal is to minimize disrupting the Pugs during peak hours while providing room for Premade’s activity.

As I said before, I enjoy playing with both Pugs and Premade and hope one day I can play without feeling guilty.

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No just perma ban them.


Hilarious, as if there was any way people would adhere to that or any way to enforce it.

The most premade activity is at peak hours because that’s the only realistic time most players can play. If there is a reduction in premade activity it’s not going to be through something like this.


Heh, they won’t do that, OP, but it’s nice of you to think highly of people. I always wanted (and thought blizz would implement) groups to be matched in BGs. Any syncers who don’t want that, I don’t get them at all. To just roll over pugs is boring.

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In the current state of the game the only thing that would reduce it somewhat is long queue times.

Good to see some interesting responses.

I see, then, in your view, what would be the ideal/practical solution (besides Cross-Faction, which is already discussed)? As you are experienced in this matter, I genuinely would love to hear your opinion.

Well, this is really just a quick puzzle for me to play with in my spare time and it would end too quickly if the basic assumption can’t be met :smiley:

Yes, an evenly matched battleground brings the most fun for me. This may seem scary, but maybe one day Blizz would make it so that Premade is mandatory for playing BG.

Well cross faction is THE ideal solution. Syncs are all about stacking everyone on one side, that’s the whole point.

Mercenary mode needs to go away whether cross faction happens or not, queue times be damned. It makes the dominant faction better by giving it more options and allows it to swap sides to avoid dangerous enemies. The dominant faction should have worse queues as a consequence of mass transfers, and short queues should be a noteworthy benefit of playing the ‘worse’ faction. Merc mode was a poor concession by Blizzard when players raged about long queues - they made their bed, let them sleep in it. Cross faction is a much better solution than merc mode for queue imbalance in my opinion.

An attempt to balance healer numbers like what we see in reg BGs would create more balanced games and make it difficult for a sync with 15 healers in queue to get them all in the same game. Of course, the queue would be impacted but less so than all the players turned away from epics. It’s not a solution, as there are ways to work around it, but it’s something.

And perhaps it’s a problem that has to consume itself. Brute Force is starting a third community now that the first 2 are full. Most the good Horde players swap to Alliance to participate. What happens when everyone that queues at that time is in Brute Force? Do they all queue the same side and sit in dying queues? Will they have to fight themselves in a controlled form of cross faction? Monopolies are not a good thing, competition needs to exist, pugs will stop trying.


Blizzard should add a hidden MMR too.

They could also add a random variable amount of time to queues and queue pops to make the syncing less certain. This would worsen queue times and decrease the amount of prep time for everyone, but pugs would probably prefer that to getting roflstomped by premade raids.

Just play regular randoms if you want to premade and Blitz if you don’t.

The most immoral people in the community would not gain an unfair advantage from it. I dont think they would be on board with it for less advantage than they currently have. Best solution I know of, take away the option to not enter when your queue is ready. Queue pops and everyone goes in, immediately. This would be good for all game modes.

Those of us that play with BF do so once our communities have turned in for the night. For me, it’s my chance to relax without having to lead. I don’t mind fighting each other, it’s how your own gameplay improves. I know not everyone thinks like I do though.

And for Deckard’s comment about entering upon pop, that wouldn’t solve anything. There’s one community that we refuse to fight with or against. Nothing will change that. If we were all forced to enter, we’d nope out upon seeing them.

groups ARE matched up that’s the funny part. there are absolutely groups of players on the “pug” side every time.
every single time.

ye cuz ur allowed 2 play wit frenz just not moar than 4 at a time cuz it becomes incerasingly unfair

I think alliance could use some help with premades for sure. I seem to have no problems playing epics when merced to horde in prime time.

What would personally make me want play more even against premades is some sort incremental honor buff for each loss. I’m not doing epics beyond new character honor grind anyway. Like, you lost one, the next one is +50% to honor gained or something, and so on. So that at least losses don’t feel like a complete waste of time.

You can excuse your terrible behavior all you want. People are done with you and your ilk it’s time for change and we will keep demanding change till it happens.

My thought was that the side that has fewer grouped players get a 1% buff to versatility for every additional grouped player the opponent has. One side has 30 sync’d players and the other has 5 people in a group, then everyone opposite the sync’d players get 25% more vers.

If that were true there wouldn’t be more people joining these communities lol.

People are joining because they don’t have any better options… but like normal the toxic garbage will always claim nonsense.

iirc its based on a 1000 year respawn timer.

Well, be definition the cheating “accusations” are true, nor have I seen anyone claim justice is coming but people have asked for it to happen as they should. But as normal the classic deflect and attack is happening.