Sync queue premades need to be abolished

which would be?

That your state laws apply to the internet.

Honestly why am I not surprised AT ALL that this person lives in California haha

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We all knew what you were doing. It was a veiled threat.

Telling people they broke the law, there could be legal action coming etc etc as a way to stop and dissuade people.

Just admit it that you were trying to scare people with legal action because a video painted your leader in a bad way even though from what I hear that is who they are (a raging gamer who cries when he loses)

I’m going to make a stab in the dark and say San Fran or nearby areas I hear that city is rife with these sorts :smiley:

FYI Inemia, riddle me this.

I live in a 1 party state, in a different country to you. My country’s law dictates that I can record any conversation I am a part of. So you going to extradite me ? I would love to watch that debacle unfold :rofl:

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pointing out that someone violated a law isn’t a threat.

the video didn’t. its a 39 minute nothing burger. everyone goes listening to it waiting for the shoe to drop and it never does. massive disappointment.

Your laws according to you. Not mine.

The police would laugh at you if you walked into the station with that crap.

Admittedly the 39 minute video is mainly bla bla, but where I watched when he lost his cool at other people playing with certain people is where in my opinion the entitledness rager come out. Trying to dictate who people can play a video game with.


but that would defeat their purpose.
do you think they get 40 man raid groups to play vs other premade 40 mans?
not all all.
they wanna play vs pugs

if anything a schedule will help them, as they will know when NOT to queue, limiting the chance they go up against other premades.

if the game is to flourish, the game must be pure. we must sterilize the environment first, filter the filth, then we can talk about getting new players.

like i said before, compassion is what it needed for these people. they are crying for help, it just doesn’t seem that way, with all the bluster in-between.

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No it isn’t lol. Most premade communities are just randos on rando classes queueing up. The only argument that some premades are hardcore is the ones who class/comp stack.

I’d hardly call a new BG and a new game mode (fun or not) as true changes.

People have been premading, including full 40 player raids since Vanilla. Nothing has ever changed except Blizzard’s staff rollover.

Nothing is going to be done to people premading in epics or randoms. Nothing is going to be done about class stacking in said epics/randoms either. They don’t care about pvp outside of it being a side hobby, unless it’s AWC. Epics don’t affect AWC so they aren’t inclined to make changes.

The people constantly making these threads always overstate/overhype the impact of all of this. It’s textbook histrionics.

I’ve been playing for 20+ years now. I got smashed up by a 60 warrior in Field Marshal gear on my 52 Frost Mage in classic which will haunt me to my grave… how can a guy be this good???

I also remember when raids could queue for epic BGs and they were realm based. Guess what happened. No one was on the opposite side. They entered, saw whats up and left…

Blizz changed it shortly after… while I agree that Blizz is doing nothing and will do nothing I enjoy calling it out for what it is. Cheating and Exploiting. Then watching the worms come out to defend it.

Take a look at my history, I’ve made no threads about epic syncers but plenty of other randoms have… so it is a tell-tale sign of a problem


Yes, because you used to be able to queue as raids… once they got rid of that it was extremely rare. The problem is these premades are overrunning everything and ruining the game for everyone else.

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No it wasn’t. They went to addons, then in WoD they just did countdowns and that’s what most premades use today.

So, you can queue as a raid into epic bgs?

Correct… Thats the issue… Over there its — “Activision has just pushed out one of its most impactful ban waves ever, booting 26,000 cheaters and malicious operators from the Call of Duty ecosystem.” — While Blizzard does absolutely NOTHING about it.


doesn’t seem like it.

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Your just mad cause I called you out on your behaviour in this thread and others


did i miss something?

See you dont even reply to me in hopes I don’t see that you’ve written something back.

I to would feign ignorance to if I was in your position rofl

sounds like you are just making stuff up, you even had to ninja edit your post.

either way, i don’t think you have been playing for 20 years, 2-3 years at most.

So, your implying he’s lying… for what reason?

Yeah I realized we were in the same thread lol So changed my post to reflect it.

I have also called out your behaviour in other threads and you go MIA when the heat gets to much.

I have been playing wow for 20 years off and on. But I really dont care if you believe that or not.

Your not that important