Sync queue premades need to be abolished

The entitlement is palpable. You are so upset that people aren’t putting up with your scummy cheating and being camped by you.

if you scroll up not one person who syncs ques are the upset party.

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Losing to a pug is alot different than continually being rolled by premades.

I have no qualms sticking around in a losing gamento another pug, they earned it, their chaos was just a bit more organized than our chaos. However, I refuse to take part in any game where syncers are present, and as soon as I become familiar enough with names of Horde syncers, I’ll afk out of there too, there’s no fun to be had in easy wins.


Of course not. They are getting away with it.

Instead of wasting time here, play the game, hope I run into you tonight in an epic . Here’s to a good game !!!


I don’t consider advocating for a better game a waste of time but you’re entitled to your opinion. And I would love to play epics but not going to waste my time against premade’s :slight_smile:

their is no way sum1 aktually thinks talenting into sniper shot is the same as exploitin around the raid block right? this cant be seriuz it must be gaslightin n trollin

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IDK what is worse, the fact that the devs have given zero communication on the premade issue, or that there are players still claim “premade are not a problem”. I literally just got out of 3 premades in a row where the “leader” spammed, and I quote: “Tired of being farmed by Alliance Premades & Horde Premades that cut & run against another Premade? We [invite] you to come play with [redacted] Premades. We don’t run from a fight. No gear requirements. Nightly 6:00 PM EST Our Discord: …”.

Premades are rampant and completely ruin the random BG experience.


“cannot be used while moving”

classic holycow L

Inemia, just two quick questions for you:

By your logic here, since you always ignore my arguments on this topic, (and I know you read them) does that mean you’ve conceded defeat to me multiple times??


Why do (you) the worst sync queue abusers always end up in these threads?? Instead of ignoring or quietly observing you actively participate with delusional takes in an attempt to gaslight and detract from the discussion. You wanted direct.

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The funny part is I was responding to their argument lol

The crazy thing is, I don’t even care. I never expect any of these cowards to answer, that’s why I’m so blatantly direct. That’s also why I’m 100% confident all of the usual clowns will read this comment as well and at the very least, they’ll have an honest moment where deep down they will think to themselves, “man, I really am a narcissist.” But again, I don’t expect much.

My curiosity is why they are even here to begin with. I mean, if Inemia genuinely answered my question they’d realize how insane they look constantly showing up to these threads making weak arguments in an attempt to convert people despite being the dissenting minority while also “looking for wins.”


I know they always claim they are doing nothing wrong and if they aren’t why do they feel the need to constantly come up with excesses?


This will never happen. If this was the case, all video games would need to follow the same rule set. Set to fail.

Actually, you writing that just proves the lengths you will go to deflect that it is detrimental to the health of the game. However much you want to paint it up and make it look otherwise, it’s not what PVP needs to make it successful.

The challenge is most of the video games that had hardcore PVP as its main focus have failed or disappeared because the majority of the player base do not partake or enjoy it. WOW, it is lucky it has the PVE aspect, or it would have gone down the tubes years ago.


these premade geeks ruin my gaming experience but i doubt blizzard cares

when i sign up for random bg i expect at least some type of game quality… people pay for this crap one way or another cash or gold…

if i get a premade scum on my team its super boring because the first fight is steamrolled in 30 seconds and the enemy team gives up… its not fun if u on the receiving end either.

please just give me the option to avoid premade groups entirely! even iof it increases my Q time i will be much happier.


call of duty generates $2 billion annually. fortnite generated over $5 billion last year alone. sim racing has its own aftermarket and custom hardware industry. people like competition and facing other players.

the quality is set to random.

not as long as there are 40 people abusing a 5 person limit
that’s where randomness goes out the window

nobody is queueing with more than 5

Totally different game styles to an MMO.

Nobody is listening to an Epic PVP Raider.