Sync queue premades need to be abolished

it doesn’t say that, and syncing doesn’t use any exploits and is open to all, so while it is an advantage, its not an unfair advantage.

sniper shot is an unfair advantage because it allows hunters to PVE down a PVP target beyond any range of retaliation. it degrades your experience because nobody likes being PVE’d down by an FOTM noob from 75 yards away and above on a ledge. therefore, snipershot is cheating and according to you, all hunters should be perma banned.

This is the last time I will post this please read CAREFULLY.
In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it .
Are raids intended to queue together into epics?

Thank God.

Well, you seem to be having a REALLY hard time understanding basic words so I’m trying to be helpful bud.

i thought you said you weren’t posting anymore?

Incorrect i said last time i will post this

oh sorry, i didn’t read

No, you’re just being childish. Not surprised though.

Its gotten more prevalent because of the if you cant beat them join them mentality.

Its created a snowball effect

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im not the one demanding people get their accounts banned because i have no friends and can’t talk to people to join a pvp community.

Do you take every queue that pops with zero regard to if others in your community got the same pop?

If you drop queue if multiple groups arent getting the same pop you are exploiting the 5 man limit put in place.

Why do you think they limited it to 5 people? For the heck of it?


Nobody cares that you are playing with friends stop using that boring lame excuse. Also, I have friends that I regularly play with. Saying you shouldn’t exploit the game and ruin it for others to stroke your tiny pathetic ego does not mean I don’t have friends. But like normal you have to fall back on attacking and insults when your argument falls short yet again.

50% control of a 10 man roster. the real problem at the time was WSG games which would go on for 3 hours where the winning team would just GY farm with 2/3 instead of ending the game, they also added the timer at the same time.

with epics in their own queue now, there isn’t a good reason to block raids from queueing as the potential negatives are already seen. they could clear up the drops if they allowed raid queueing.

then…why does this thread exist?

You don’t get a red error message when you try to use sniper shot. You’re not circumventing restrictions to use sniper shot in bgs.

Try queuing for epic bgs with 6+ people in a raid group. What does the red error message say?

You’re bringing a premade raid on voice chat into a bracket that’s not supposed to have premade raids. You roflstomp a team of random pugs. And then you try to convince yourself that this is fair.

Also, fewer pugs queue up for epic bgs because they’re getting roflstomped by premade raids during prime time. The remaining pugs face premade raids even more frequently.


Please show me where it says you shouldn’t be able to play with friends.

There’s a good reason if you care about the PvP experience for pugs.

There’s a good reason if you care about the growth and health of the PvP community.

Listen to yourself:

^ Now consider how many people’s fun get ruined by a premade raid in epic bgs and how many noobs get traumatized into never PvPing again.


When I queue alone I don’t take every pop either. Suspiciously quick one I avoid . And nor do I stay till the end of every BG . Either because my kids need me or I am plain bored . Guess what none of this is against Blizz’s rules

Trying to rationalize it really doesn’t help your case.

the only people not playing are the ones who afk out of epics if the win isn’t handed to them on a silver platter.