Sync queue premades need to be abolished

There just going to make ridicules claims and straw man arguments lol

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Incorrect. Syncing is going around the 5-man group limit to get a larger then 5-man group in the epic bg. That is exploiting the queue system. I promise this isn’t complicated bud.

got it, i won’t use saronite grenades on the lich king platform.

People got banned for that… so not a good argument to use bud lol

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we aren’t in a race for any achievement playing unrated epics. and like i said, i won’t do it.

again, your definition means sniper shot is cheating, every hunter should be banned.

Incorrect. That is part of the game. Raids queuing together into an epic is not part of the game.

Also again, Blizzard’s definition.

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sniper shot is both an unfair advantage and it degrades the experience of others. seems like cheating to me.

It’s not about how you feel. It’s about the rules that blizzard has put in place. Blizzard made sniper shot part of the game. Raids queuing together into an epic bg is not part of the game. Please keep up.

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syncing is part of the game.

Be as flippant as you want, doesn’t change the fact syncers are exploiting the system for their benefit, be it honor level, bg achievements for titles, rep, etc"

Then cheating is part of the game because it happens right?

sniper shot happens, so yes.

So you say cheating is ok because it’s part of the game?

no, i said sniper shot happens.

sniper shot meets the criteria for cheating you have posted multiple times. to respond to your question of assuming cheating is part of the game, if sniper shot is part of the game and sniper shot is cheating per your criteria, then logically cheating is in fact part of the game.

Incorrect blizzard put it in the game. Raids are not allowed to queue together in an epic bg.

the criteria you posted doesn’t exclude things blizzard put in the game.

nobody queues as a raid, it would certainly solve a lot of problems if we could though.

Correct you are exploiting and going around that rule.

It sure does.

no it just says anything that provides an unfair advantage or anything that degrades the game experience of others.

sniper shot does both at the same time, so its double cheating.

Incorrect. If sniper shot was only available by exploiting the game, then yes but it’s not. If there was meant to be raids queuing into epics they would be able to. Are you able to queue as a raid into epics?