Sync exploiting is out of hand

Just put them on ignore, don’t engage or interact with them They are trolling now.

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Getting put on ignore is the ultimate win lol it means you have to hide because you don’t have any facts to back you up. Also how exactly am I trolling? Have yet to have any of you explain that.

No you haven’t. You’re just taking everything out of context, ignoring words from Blizzard employees who have said it is not, because it is not the answer you like.

I mean, why don’t you go ahead, and accuse Blizzard employees of being liars too? Since it was a Blizzard employee, yes, Customer Support Agents are employees of Blizzard Entertainment, whom said, queue syncing is not an exploit or form of cheating?

Yeah, I should. Engaging isn’t helping, and their ignorance has really proven themselves on the forums.

Incorrect I have used blizzard very own TOS you have used a blue post by some dude that works FOR blizzard.

I have. Can someone that works for blizzard not be wrong? What an insane thing to think.

Yet you can’t provide proof of my “ignorance” lol

Also, you are ignoring the literal Terms of Service you agreed to by playing the game.

Ok, lets use your own logic against you:

You say multiple parties can not queue at the same time, because then it turns into a raid and it is exploiting.

Does that mean you’re exploiting too because when you queue, you enter into a raid?

If your answer is no, then it means people who are sync-queuing, are not exploiting. And since talking about exploits in any form is strictly forbidden on the forums, since you haven’t been actioned yet, it also means they are not exploiting.

Truth hurts, huh?

Also, keep in mind, Blizzard Entertainment is a gaming company, who publishes multiple games. Customer Support Agents, Community Managers, Developers, Directors, all those who work for Blizzard Entertainment, in fact, do have every right to speak for Blizzard, because they have the same policies on all this exact information, as everyone who who works within the company.

And Vrakthis, you need a payrise for how this poster likes to call you “some dude”


No I am not queue syncing.

yikes bud lol

This is completely untrue.

Where is your evidence for this?

more yikes bud lol you are just taking all the L’s

There is a HUGE difference in just queueing up and going in and queue syncing where you drop till your entire raid gets in. Stop being dishonest

That is what happens when you queue for a random battle group, whether solo, in a party, or in multiple parties, it turns into a raid. You seriously going to tell me you do not know how the game works as well?

It is true. If it was an exploit, you talking about it is a way of adversitising on how to do it, which yes, Moderation will take action. But we both know it is not an exploit at all.

They are part of Blizzard Entertainment. Where is your evidence they are not!

How about stop trolling and carrying on like someone who can’t get their own way?

Are you really being this dishonest?

Nowhere have I said how to do it. I know your entire bases is based on lies and gaslighting but this whole thread is readable. We are talking about the exploit and that is allowed.

Never said there were not. They work for blizzard. Simply working for blizzard does not mean you get to go against blizzards TOS.

This whole “trolling” excuse is just sad bud. I am not carrying on like someone who can’t get there way. I am calling exploiters out and to nobody outside of your little echo chambers surprise you are extremely upset.

Ah, so call outs now huh?

Can’t wait for it to backfire on you now.

At this time (and yes, things can change), Bliz appears to disagree. I think many people see your point, but you saying it’s an exploit, and it being an exploit, are two different things. Your best course is not so much to focus on telling people it IS an exploit, but offering the suggestion that you feel miserable and it SHOULD be considered an exploit and addressed.

The personal attacks from everyone makes everything likely to be reported for trolling (and it’s hardly just one person). It makes it hard to take anyone seriously, and earning a forum ban doesn’t help anyone support their perspective.

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I mean, there is an entire article on how to report hacks and exploits, and why the forums are pretty much pointless

But people have reported this in the past, if I recall correctly, but nothing has been done. Even Game Masters would be saying the same thing, that is isn’t an exploit.

Call outs are allowed lol I don’t even need to name names. You guys expose yourself.

It is by definition an exploit. I don’t see it as one it simply is one.

Who have I attacked personally? I am the one that gets called all sorts of things.

Bots have been reported as well and they are still around. So I guess bots are ok.

This is your opinion and has no backing as a fact.

Well, I haven’t called anyone out. You have called yourself out.


Pot, meet kettle

I never said I sync-queue, nor have I said I support people sync-queuing. All I said it is not considered as an exploit by Blizzard.

Again? You need to get a new bone to chase.

I haven’t named anyone.

Where have I named anyone? All I said was watch Inemias stream that’s not “calling someone out”

By defending it you are supporting it.

It’s a big problem it needs big attention.

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Boy, people who hate seeing spam on the forum sure like to spam the same things themselves.

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So, so, your logic…

If these guys didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all

How does that not make sense? If you think something is ok, you are defending it.

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