Sync exploiting is out of hand

did u unironically really

Yeah I don’t do circular conversations and we’ve done at minimum one lap at this point.

I just figured it’s bumping the thread, so that works :smiley:

Generally speaking, I’ll never understand why people feel the need to offer their opinion on content in which they don’t engage, and this is clearly a problem for the PvP community.

I’ve seen a lot of GD forum heroes try to debate semantics with genuine pvp’ers who just want to queue random bg’s without getting stomped by a 20 man premade.

They have every right to complain. Quite frankly, considering most of the absurdity posted on GD is bad faith posting anyways, I can’t fathom why people would find fault with a thread like this.

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Yes… I can really feel the

Yeah, the first two sentences were for you.

Remainder was just general statements :smiley:

Of course they apply, because you have no business in a pvp thread but that’s beside the point

To be fair, vulpera are cute. Not as cute as gnomes are of course. But the next best thing if you’re a horde player.

Just for me? That’s cute.

Apart from Kennie, I can’t remember the last time I looked at a Vulpera poster and thought “you aren’t complete garbage at the game” :joy:

(To clarify, Kennie’s plenty more than not garbage)

At any rate, idk. They’re ugly to me. I’ve no idea why they’re in this game lol

and Discord is not one the other type of programs they were refering to , Discord is just voice , it doesnt interact with the game program so it perfectly fine

It would be a little wild if they tried to stop people from using Discord in PvP. It’s not going to happen.

Good time to mention Opalunaiya is also a troll :smiley:

If you need the most pure and unadulterated negativity bias you’ll ever see, it’s Opalunaiya/Murdercarpet.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen them say something positive about anything.

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Idk Murdercarpet but I’ll keep an eye out.

Yeah, I’ve seen Opa enter threads (even my own) simply to insert some nonsensical contrarian comment.

GD really is a cess pool. Tragic

Same person, just a previous character they posted as.

Swapped to attempt to reset their rep, only to do the exact same thing again.

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Skill issue.

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Took a moment and you ain’t wrong.

I mean if skill is just one way of saying “put in effort where others don’t”, then those premade organizers are actually very skillful :smiley:

don’t help inflate their ego most of these premade people can’t even hit 1800 in 2’s one of the leaders even paid to get to 1800 lol these people are unskilled bottom feeder that need to exploit to win.


Solo EBG ques! Solo EBG ques!

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Na I still play with friends. I just don’t want exploiters getting their entire raids in.

This has been explained to you, people who sync-queue, are not exploiters. They are not exploiting the system. This seriously needs to stop.

You have lied yes, I have proven, that sync queueing is in fact exploiting.