Sync exploiting is out of hand

I have said, Sync-Queuing is not exploiting. I have never said it was ok. Please, stop twisting everything around.

But it is factually exploiting. I am not twisting everything around you have never said it’s not ok.

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By that measure you spammed it 4 times in your post.

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Quite curious that someone I’ve never talked to before is calling me the forum’s biggest troll lol. That dynamic is just rent free.

Reminding someone of the rules they’re violating is not spamming lol.

No rules were violated. Proof is that this post already got spam reported but then restored.

Well with that logic, syncing isn’t against the rules as its been reported many times before but nothing was ever done.

Well, at least we cleared that up.


Incorrect this post was hidden and then restored. Nothing has been done about syncing at all that doesn’t prove it’s ok. What an insane lack of basic logic lol

That’s the logic you’ve presented. Your logic is that if something is not punished, then it is not against the rules. Syncing has never been punished, so using your logic, it is not against the rules.

That’s your logic. That’s the logic that you used. I didn’t expect you to destroy your own argument that quickly, but here we are.

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These threads all have the method of how to do it laid out, which as Caps said is against forum CoC if it’s an exploit.

Where did I say that?

Because it hasn’t been addressed. This post was spam reported and then restored. Sync queueing has been ignored. That’s why me and many others keep bringing it up.

Incorrect you are just straight up lying lol

Where? Why are you being dishonest?

It’s not exactly a complex method.

Coordinate queueing at the same time, drop queue if not everyone’s in. Rinse repeat.

You said it right here. Please keep up with your own arguments.

It has been addressed and quoted to you many times. Many people have also admitted to reporting it.

Blizzard purposefully ignores it just like they ignore your threads because it’s not exploiting.

No, you keep bringing it up because you dislike the answer you are given and think if you spam enough that will change things.

Tantrums do not convince though. They do not impact game design.

Nope, that’s just your logic, or in this case, lack of logic.

Ok? but that’s not the only way lol that’s just the way that incorrect blue post claims. Everyone knows that’s not all they are doing. Also, that blue post does not say that dropping queue is ok. It just says a countdown is ok.

Yes… exploiting.

Then why is it fine for us to post how it works?


It has been addressed multiple times, you just dislike the answer so you ignore it.
Heck you responded to me when I pointed out the times they have addressed it, but let me help you out again:

They used your own type of logic against you. No lying took place.

No matter how much you want to pretend it is an exploit… It isn’t.
As has been stated and been relevantly quoted to you multiple times over. Just move on with your life and pick up a real hobby.

There isn’t a single rule against dropping a queue. That has been a function of the game since queues have existed.

It is nonsensical to say that dropping the queue for something you do not wish to be in is against the rules. That’s quite literally the reason it exists.

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Don’t take things out of context.

You are right they have said please don’t do it.

Incorrect. The message are still there idk why you try to lie.

I’m not pretending it is by definition exploiting.

Yikes haha

There is a rule against exploiting and dropping queue till you get your whole raid in is exploiting by definition.

And your evidence for this is where?

You need evidence that Blizzard intended for you to drop queues using the decline button?

That does not need evidence. This is common sense that everyone knows. You do not convince people by trolling and by being dishonest.


The decline is for dropping queue to get your raid in? That’s so insanely illogical I am not even going to bother arguing it HAHA

Where have I trolled or been dishonest? Please provide evidence of your claims.

The decline is for declining anything you don’t want to be in. You can do so for any reason.

Please point to a rule that suggests otherwise.

This entire thread.