Scammer on Faerlina

It can, yes. It depends on the context.

In general, threads that would usually mention the game director for WoW or other Developer are about feedback/suggestions for the game and we want to make sure it focuses on the feedback and not any particular person’s role or perceived role in the development of the subject.

A lot of those threads tend to be insulting or call for someone’s removal, which we do not allow.

For players, we try to maintain that call outs of any kind are prohibited. Even if you have proof of someone’s guilt, this is not the appropriate arena for such accusations. :slight_smile:

I’d argue that who answers the question wasn’t the focus of the question. A GM nor a blue seems to have been asked for. So asking the question seems fitting given the direction this thread turned about “call outs”. :slight_smile:

So I’m not ignoring the original purpose of the thread… Zulvok, the link Darthwraith provided originally is the best advice we can give. Please report a possible scam so that we can look into it.