Sylvanas Won, Night Elves Lost (Amirdrassil Is A Dud)

Anyway, this is all a moot point because Northern Kalimdor is the home of the Night Elves. Again, Tyrande CLEARLY draws the line at Ashenvale in Warcraft 3.

Side question, do you think the Night Elves should just stay the same forever?

The most up to date resource we have would be the exploring Kalimdor book, and it more or less just spits out the status of Kalimdor verbatim to how it was when Cataclysm ended.

Darkshore is largely depopulated yes, but it was also kind of a blight stricken wreck and will take time to rehabilitate. The Kaldorei retook and fortified Astranaar. The Horde has been pushed back beyond the Falfarren River and the Sentinels mount constant assaults on Splintertree Post. Stardust Spire is solidly in Kaldorei hands—According to Horde reports, the Kaldorei sentinels from the post destroyed every siege weapon the Horde brought down from the Stonetalon Mountains during the fourth war, leaving the bones of the machines and the bodies of the engineers at the doorstep of the spire as a warning.


No, because in Warcraft 3 and other times they are shown of being capable of change while still maintaining their core identity.

“They are mongrels and nothing more! They are responsible for Cenarius’ death! I will be damned before I stand with them” —>
“You realize that we will age as these mortals do. Our powers over nature will wane in time.”
“If pride gives us pause, my love, perhaps we have lived enough already.”
“We are its protectors, and through it we were granted immortality and power over nature. Now at least it is time we gave that power back.”
—> “Your plan is a bold one, girl. Perhaps I have misjudged you outlanders. May Elune shine upon you!”

After WC3 they worked their way out of a policy of almost total isolationism.

Their views on the arcane changed as they interacted with others.

Even Teldrassil’s burning could have brought about meaningful change -and- Amirdrassil could have been in Kalimdor. I stated in the thread I started (before it got nuked by Blizzard because people couldn’t stop trolling) that even if Blizzard refuses to put Amirdrassil in Kalimdor, portraying it as a major outpost as they dedicate themselves to help healing the entire world (and themselves), would be a step in a much better direction than what is currently being written.


How is that not what they’re doing with the current story, exactly?

Because everything about the dialogue and what’s shown in-game has huge numbers of Night Elves choosing to make it their capital H Home (and capital)

That doesn’t sound like an outpost to me. That sounds like they are moving the literal center of civilization and main base of operations to a locale exactly on the complete opposite side of the world from their ancestral lands.


Who determines what is “core identity” and what is just part of the identity generally?
You’re fine with giving up their immortality, total isolationism, views of arcane. What about these isn’t core?

I honestly do think this is the intention, but they are currently doing a poor job properly depicting this. That is 100% on them to do better. They should of framed it better as a home for the refugees of Teldrassil who want a fresh start in new lands. An outpost nearer the Eastern Kingdoms that ensures that Kaldorei culture is never again at risk of extinction due to the Horde.

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They are still fiercely protective of what’s theirs (including each other), they will still sacrifice greatly for the things they care about (Malfurion and the druids gave up most of their lives to be in the Dream), they still have a deep connection to nature, they still revere Elune. Should I keep going?

And that’s a problem… because?

There’s nothing to say that Nelves aren’t still living everywhere else.
It’s fine that there’s Nelves going to move/live in Amirdrassil, doesn’t mean all Nelves are doing that.

Doesn’t mean it’s a massive overarching “”“homeland”“” to the Nelves.

Having their ‘center of civilization’ on the Dragon Isles doesn’t really mean anything.

It’s just a home to the people who will eventually live there.

You didn’t answer my questions. So no, don’t go on about things that aren’t an answer.

Who determines what is core?
What about what has changed isn’t core?

But that itself is -weak-. “Goddess, if this is to be the end, let us die with your name on our lips!” They are not a people who run from their problems. They would rather die than give up their lands and ways of life.


I provided examples of their core identity to answer your question.

The idea of the Kaldorei having a center of their civilization always has struck me as odd as they are such a highly decentralized people, at least before Teldrassil. I believe the same factors that drove many Kaldorei to live on Teldrassil will drive them to Amirdrassil—Seeking shelter from the various woes that have plagued Kalimdor since the third war. Kalimdor is still rife with issues that are not exactly the sort you want to put down roots and raise kids near.


I mean if you really think that then I don’t have anything else to debate with you because that’s the least logical conclusion of what it means to move a center of civilization.


I never asked for examples of their core identity, so that doesn’t answer my questions.

My questions for the third were time were this.
WHO determines what is core identity versus just identity generally?

Again, none of these are asking for examples of what is their core identity. Giving examples of their core identity doesn’t answer them.

Northern Kalimdor. HYJAL. Hyjal was LITERALLY the center of Northern Kalimdor. They built their new civilization around it to protect it.


Because the examples I provided ARE their core.


How tf are people putting so much emphasis to this vague idea of a ‘capital city’ when Nelves lived without a capital for thousands upon thousands of years.

It was to my understanding that Nelves were a largely nomadic/decentralized people.

What civilization, exactly?
As pointed to above, it was my understanding that Nelves weren’t an agrarian people.

Notions of ‘nation’, ‘cities’, and other widespread traditional ideas of ““civilization”” doesn’t really apply to them the same way as it would humans or dwarves.

Again, this is a total departure from their behavior for the past 10,000 years. Even after WOTA. Imagine if they just ran from the Legion.

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