Sylvanas Won, Night Elves Lost (Amirdrassil Is A Dud)

While the game is the main “warcraft”, It doesn’t represeng faithfully the universe it is set in.

Most zones are timelocked to the expansion they were relevant to or to an update that used them, they also aren’t to scale to what they’re supposed to be in size or population, thats just videogame being videogame, if WoW were to get 1:1 scaled places, rach expansion would be at best a city instead of a new island/continent.

Zones in warcraft were not made to be evergreen, they represent a static place in time, besides maybe stormwind and orgrimmar that get constant updates.

Amirdrassil being the capital is fine for me as long as there are updates to their assets on Kalimdor and can travel freely in between.

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Notice that I did say PERSONAL? Not even Blizzard has a uniform canon for it’s universe. There’s the overall story arc. There’s personal player canon reflected in acheivements. And there’s novel/book canon which only touches on game canon very selectively. You’ll hardly see any reference to it in game itself.

Although at least in Maldraxxus there was one NPC that reacted to you differently if you have the acheivement in defeating her in a Burning Crusade raid.

I know you said personal, that’s why I said it doesn’t matter.

Nobody cares what your personal headcanon is, man.
We’re discussing the actual lore of the game here, not whatever weird headcanon you’ve come up with where you pick and choose what’s canon based on what argument you’re losing.

They legit always have, what are you even talking about.

The canon has been retconned over the years and changed, but there’s always been one uniform canon as accepted by Blizzard.

Now you’re just lying to yourself.

The actions of your character aren’t necessarily canon to WoW’s universe, but the events which take place within novels and books make up the majority of WoW’s story and have always been canon. The basic timeline of events which we go through during the game are canon, but your character specifically being the lone ‘Hero of Azeroth’ isn’t necessarily canon.

I also already pointed out that the novels/books offer major background/setup to the storylines that happen within World of Warcraft, that’s what they’re there for. They don’t “touch on game canon selectively”, most “”““game canon””“” happens because of the events which occur within those novels (War Crimes, Before the Storm, Tides of Darkness, All the Chronicles novels, etc.).

As I said before, this is such a weird nonsense stance to take.
You can personally deem whatever is canon or non-canon within your personal headcanon, as I said before.
But nobody cares, we’re discussing Blizzard’s actual canon here, and according to that canon the novels/books are entirely part of it.

You have no argument, you have no point as to why you’re even arguing, you’re just saying this because…
You’ve run out of argument as to why Exodar isn’t fixed I guess?
So you’ve opted to just… say that all novels/books aren’t canon, which is almost laughably stubborn that you’ve decided to entrench yourself on a sinking ship of an argument.

Get a grip.

What you totally ignore is that the game itself presents multiple canons.

It also presents one where YOU the player are THE Hero, the Champion when you are in solo player mode doing those important quests that need to be done during a world ending apocalypse, like finding Khadgar’s coin collection.

In raid mode, then it becomes The Champions those two dozen of us who do the heavy lifiting so that the cinematic stars can make speeches over the smoking corpses to the Big Bads.

There’s only one established canon for World of Warcraft.

The things your character does is broadly canon to WoW’s story, but aren’t necessarily canon to anyone but you.

Blizzard’s story doesn’t work off of that canon.

This also has nothing to do with the novels/books being canon.

Moonglade is actually neutral, it’s not under the night elves control but that of the Cenarion Cricle which also allows Trolls, Zandalari, Tauren and probably Kul Tirans. Hyjal is also neutral because of the Cenarion Circle.

Ashenvale is under some sort of control of the Horde. Feralas also has ogres in control of some of it. The thing is that the night elves should have been removed when Shadows Rising came out and stated that they moved to Nordrassil and other parts and weren’t having a friendly connection with the Alliance.

Let’s face it, Blizzard doesn’t know it’s lore nor does it know how to write a good and compelling story. Between the ending cutscene, and the assets in the ptr that will go live, Amirdrassil is going to be their new home which…makes no sense. They could have placed the tree anywhere else either in Kalimdor or in Val’sharah which is literally the Emerald Dream on Azeroth. Maybe having another World Tree would fully get rid of the Nightmare Corruption and reclaim Shaladrassil.

She had a bad send off. Same with Varian and Tirion. Like Malfurion would have been a better send off. He got captured by Xavius…he should have died imo.

You are not abreast of lore that has been printed in the past five years.

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I honestly do not care nor does Blizzard for that matter.

Probably should, if you’re going to come to the LORE forum and talk about the lore.

Just saying. :blush:


Blizzard doesnt pay me to care about their lore nor do their employees care about it. They change what they want and are never consistent with their writing. I use lore as a guide.

And its a public forum. Im allowed to talk about how it’s useless and how people need to stop stroking out about it when it changes. Blizzard is going to Blizzard. If I die today, I don’t want to be reminded that I threw a fit over something as meaningless as Blizzard lore and be rude to someone as a result.

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It’s always a weird notion that someone must be paid to care about something. But you do you I suppose. I just don’t get why waste your energy discussing something you despise so much


“These things are true!”
No, they’re not.
“Well, they don’t pay me to care!”

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The old people at the grocery store who refuse to use self checkout like, “This store doesn’t pay me to scan my own groceries.” But then also complain about long checkout lines.


Because money is the only way some of us are able to survive. I work a job that barely pays a livable wage and have put out hundreds of apps for another job. No one wants to hire someone thats worked in retail for a long time with a non usuable it degree.

If it’s not going to help me get out of my situation then its not worth freaking out over. Some people have other things to worry about. Like being able to eat, being able to have a roof over their head. Lore is not a concern nor should it be.

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Okay, but why are you here in this specific lore forum and not the general forum with other ppl who don’t care about lore?

This is a lore forum.


So…why exactly are you wasting your time discussing something that’s not a concern or something you don’t care about?


Its a public forum. You do know what is right or do I need explain that anyone is free to disagree with things being said and voice even their disagreement with what Blizzard does. By it being public that means that anyone can reply. It’s not a lore lovers only fanclub, there would have to be different permissions for that.

Permissions are things that allow members be able to view or post things. And members are well us! The denizens of the forum.

What you want is an echo chamber not a discussion forum. What a discussion is two parties having a conversation that may or may not have a dissenting or disagreeable opinion.

Anything else that you don’t understand? I guess it’s too difficult to google things like what is a discussion, or what is a public forum. Have a wonderful holiday.

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That’s a lot of nonsense for a simple question about why you’re here when you admitted you hate the lore and don’t get paid to care about it. And you can’t answer. Just keep giving answers that have nothing to do with why YOU keep wasting your own time

But that’s normal for this forum

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Kalimdor isn’t lost. The Night Elves are still around in Darkshore, Felwood, Moonglade, Hyjal, Winterspring, Half of Ashenvale, Half of Stonetalon, Feralas, and Desolace.

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