Sylvanas Won, Night Elves Lost (Amirdrassil Is A Dud)

The idea of the Kaldorei having a center of their civilization always has struck me as odd as they are such a highly decentralized people, at least before Teldrassil. I believe the same factors that drove many Kaldorei to live on Teldrassil will drive them to Amirdrassil—Seeking shelter from the various woes that have plagued Kalimdor since the third war. Kalimdor is still rife with issues that are not exactly the sort you want to put down roots and raise kids near.


I mean if you really think that then I don’t have anything else to debate with you because that’s the least logical conclusion of what it means to move a center of civilization.


I never asked for examples of their core identity, so that doesn’t answer my questions.

My questions for the third were time were this.
WHO determines what is core identity versus just identity generally?

Again, none of these are asking for examples of what is their core identity. Giving examples of their core identity doesn’t answer them.

Northern Kalimdor. HYJAL. Hyjal was LITERALLY the center of Northern Kalimdor. They built their new civilization around it to protect it.


Because the examples I provided ARE their core.


How tf are people putting so much emphasis to this vague idea of a ‘capital city’ when Nelves lived without a capital for thousands upon thousands of years.

It was to my understanding that Nelves were a largely nomadic/decentralized people.

What civilization, exactly?
As pointed to above, it was my understanding that Nelves weren’t an agrarian people.

Notions of ‘nation’, ‘cities’, and other widespread traditional ideas of ““civilization”” doesn’t really apply to them the same way as it would humans or dwarves.

Again, this is a total departure from their behavior for the past 10,000 years. Even after WOTA. Imagine if they just ran from the Legion.

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That doesn’t answer the questions.

Is English not your first language? Because you’re not understanding something that has been explicitly told to you.

I am not asking what their core identity is.


Then you don’t understand the significance of Nordrassil and Hyjal or are blind to its location on them map and where they draw the lines as to where their homeland starts and ends.

Yes, That is true. The Long Vigil is over, though. The pact the Aspects made with the Kaldorei ended when they sacrificed the blessings to kill Archimonde. It has long been tended by the Guardians of Hyjal, a specialized wing of the Cenerion Circle that includes a number of races.

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If you can’t find the themes of the things I listed as core identity and are that pressed to identity them, I’ll help.

Views on arcane magic, or outlanders, isolationism, etc. aren’t things that define who they are. Isolationism is a policy, so is a ban of arcane magic.

Reverence of Elune and nature have been part of their identity since they first found the Well of Eternity. It is literally the core of their culture.

Hope that helps. :slight_smile:

That doesn’t change the fact that their civilization was centralized in Hyjal. Nor does it change the fact that their culture is literally part of the land, and they are part of it. Packing up and leaving just because the Long Vigil is over, again, misses key aspects of their lore.


Strict borders, hallmark of a decentralized nomadic people.

I’m not arguing that they didn’t once have an understanding of where their people were located, or a concept of a “”“homeland”“”.
I was arguing that the presence of a ‘capital city’ isn’t viewed within the same context as it would be with more centralized agrarian peoples with strict borders and ideas of nation-state.

How do you determine what defines who they?
In what what are views on arcane not defining who they are but druidism does?

You didn’t answer WHO DETERMINES it after asking four times, but ok lol. Finally got something close to an answer for one question.

Then why go through great effort to relocate government, build an entire city, if it doesn’t matter to them?

I agree, it’s dumb in the context of their culture. But they’re building a new capital anyway, so it’s gonna be significant in some way.

What government?

That’s kind of my point, there’s no real centralized government here.

Amirdrassil as a city is really nothing more than a large area where Nelves live.

Another key misconception. Druidism =/= reverence of nature. It is a sub-facet of reverence of nature, but druidism is not necessary to revere nature. They revered nature thousands of years before Malfurion became The First Druid

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Ever since they moved to Teldrassil there has been a slow shift in the Kaldorei, a trope increasingly deployed with them is that of the elder race that is fading, along with the idea of the elves ‘sailing west’ so to speak. Most times when they talk about the Kaldorei, it is in reference to their empire and how they are a shade of their former glory.

I think what might be bothering you is that slow shift just finally hit its breaking point and it is more overt than a subtext.

I’m not answering it because it’s a pretty pointless question. The collective understanding of their story so far? If you honestly believe there’s a way to describe their core identity and not include the things I included, then I don’t think you really have any understanding of them.

Nah, because they can still be going through changes and consequences and, you know, keep their culture intact.