Swamp boss is a bit much in Floodgate

I understand that, but it’s just odd to me that we are focused on a mechanical overlap that doesn’t kill you when there’s countless others that will one-shot if you mess up.

You would have to get zero healing on this overlap and run into an orb to die. That’s a lot of room for failure.

I was genuinely encouraging you to make a thread to detail the issues you see. I think the one thing every poster has in common is we all want to enjoy the game, and you clearly put a fair amount of effort into doing content homework. We only stand to benefit if everyone makes an effort to help improve things.

I made one, people ignore them.

Granted, it’s tank focused.

Running into giant, slow-moving, very telegraphed waves isn’t acceptable human error. It’s a pass/fail mechanic, and people are supposed to die when they fail. Instead of continually demanding that every lethal effect be toned down to the point where healers can hide their mistakes, people should focus on learning how to not make them.

im dying XD

didnt realize that opinions were black/white, right/wrong.
also find you’re argument hilarious, considering my “invalid” opinion was shared by enough people that the recent hotfix has made the tether mechanic “prefer non-healers”.

if people are ignoring your posts… i mean…

That’s not any of our call to make. Lol

I know we all have varying wants/opinions here but the one inarguable thing is that Blizzard is a business that operates to make money from us, not a charity that exists to provide us with an avenue for video game excellence. As nonsense as it may seem to some posters that people can’t move to the right or left in unison, if a large enough selection of people can’t do it, and will cease to play as a result, that’s one factor that drives Blizzard to make game changes.

Does it need changed? I don’t know, but I do know that if a few of the posters around here got their way in every tuning decision through out the years then half of you wouldn’t even be able to get KSM anymore, so I think it’s important we get all the feedback we can and let Blizzard decide based on data we don’t have access to.

I’m not making a call. I’m observing that when people get hit by the wave, they die. Clearly that is by design, as the waves coincide with unavoidable damage. That didn’t happen by accident. People complaining about dying to waves in that phase need to accept that is absolutely intentional.

There has been a lot of actually productive feedback over the years about the burden disproportionately falling on healers shoulders to make up for failures of the other players. These types of mechanics are ways that can put the accountability back on the shoulders of the people making the error. Yes, people are going to complain, because many people like to imagine they are never at fault, and when they are at fault, they insist that the design isn’t “forgiving” enough, to once again absolve themselves of responsibility. But the reality is, this is good for the game play. People make mistakes and are forced to deal with it instead of shuffling the responsibility to someone else and blaming them when they can’t manage it all.

not sure why everyone who comes in here with the “dodge waves, forehead” argument doesnt even read the OP. the entire post is about HEALING while dodging the waves. NOT “i cant dodge waves”. ppl dying to waves is their own fault. yes. no1 said otherwise. ppl dying DURING waves because the healer has to move too much to dodge and stay with their tether is what the post is about.

all doesnt matter tho, since enough ppl see this as a problem that blizzard has fixed it to prioritize non-healers with the tethers. so there we go.

I healed this on a 10 and it took 2.1m hps with no one getting hit by the waves. It’s a very short boss fight though, so you just have to pump without regard to mana.

I found the demolition double boss much harder to heal because you have to multi-task the whole fight. That one took over 2m hps too.

We read the OP. We also read the incoming damage breakdown that shows there isn’t enough damage to kill someone who is topped off before it starts, even if the healer focuses on movement and does zero healing. A wave hit is the only way someone is dying in that phase.

TL:DR - we read the OP; it’s incorrect.

the OP is an opinion. not a correct/incorrect statement.

The Flat Earth Society will be delighted to hear that opinions can’t be correct or incorrect lol.

Just because everyone has a right to an opinion doesn’t mean every opinion is equally valid.

lol wild. flat earth opinions are so irrelevant to the point you’re trying to make, but nice try. flat earth is objective. i.e. the earth is factually not flat (come at me flat earthers). making it an incorrect opinion.

subjective opinions. you can disagree with opinions. but theres no fact based argument. some FEEL its hard. some FEEL its easier. opposing opinions, neither incorrect.

again, nice try tho.

Some opinions are right or wrong. There’s people who think the world is flat. What you are confusing this with is preference.

i refer you to my above post =)

Oh so some opinions have objectivity to it. You just proved yourself wrong. Lmao.

Which I showcased with numbers.

ur really tryin here huh? go google the definition of subjective and objective.

I think you need to go google it since you are trying to suggest that numbers are subjective. Sorry, facts don’t care about feelings. It is a fact that you can survive the overlap of the Rot and Pulse without any heals in a +7.

If this is “too much” for you then I suggest playing as a DPS.

Also from the OP, and what is the consequence of not “dealing with the pulsing aoe” if it takes someone from 100% to 25% with no heals, no healthstones, and no defensives?

The subjective part of your opinions is being supported by things that don’t add up, not to mention the OP isn’t the only relevant post in the thread. There are plenty of people adding commentary about being unable to keep people alive, which takes us back to not getting hit by waves.

lul. numbers mean nothing to ur point. different ppl struggle with different numbers. the damage numbers are facts. yes. and for some those numbers are hard. and some theyre not.

but coo lets keep going. keep u busy for a while so the other threads can be free of ur BS for a bit =)

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