99% of healer challenges are caused by people tripping on their own feet while trying to do mechanics. This boss is a perfect example of that, there’s not much dmg going on during the wave phase if people dodge it correctly.
Positioning correctly or even pre-positioning after correctly reading and predicting movements of the waves usually means less hectic movement all over the place which means more time to hard cast heals if needed.
I read and understood the OP correctly but I indeed did not read every post including your own. Which I will do right now.
Ok, so a few points first.
I never said people don’t understand the mechanics, they are very simple, what I’m trying to explain is that there is more to it than just “move left”, “stay with your bind”, and “dodge waves”. The act of moving somewhere else in itself has an almost endless results based on skill and knowledge.
Do you need to be 5 miles away of the frontal when you move left or being just outside the line is fine? Moving less means more time to heal.
Do you have to be on top of your bind the enter time? Not at all, in fact you have more than enough room to make a wave pass between you without getting touched or pulling each other, use this to your advantage if you have to.
Do you need to move with every wave? Not at all, you can look at mor than 1 wave at a time they are all in your screen, tunneling is a sign of low skill, look at the next 3 waves instead of just 1 and you can usually find a spot that allows you to dodge these next 3 waves without moving so you get a lot more time hard casting.
Do you need to stand still right after dodge the frontal even if puddles spawn near you? No you don’t, after puddles appear I always see a bunch of people refusing to move I don’t know why, maybe because of the bind they get stressed? No idea it’s just dumb to me, ping somewhere and start moving, people will follow, ping a spot that’s far from all puddles to get more time to react to incoming waves.
Do you need to top everyone off before the wave phase is over? No you don’t, people take less dmg after because the bind is gone, even if people are low at that point you can catch up there, I see many healers acting like they need everyone to be topped off at every moment, that’s not the case here use this to your advantage.
“But what if I let them get low and they die from a wave?” Literally not your problem. DPS are expected to dodge every single wave, every single time, no exception. That’s not elitist, that’s not esports gaming, that’s just what average gaming should be, anything less is just uninstall level of trash. The waves visual and hitbox is actually well made, I stand on the pixels of the edge and dodge them just fine without taking dmg anyone can do it, also use this to your addvantage you don’t need to be 5 feet away from stuff, you can be close but out the way that is just as safe and saves you lots of time that can be used to heal.
Are you the healer with the most throughput in the game? No, I’m also not the best at literally anything I do in this game, I see people with similar ilvl pulling better numbers than me and I don’t even know how they do but it just means there’s room for improvement one way or another. There’s people healing this boss, so your problems are not the end of the season.
Of course I’m saying all this based on how I imagine your runs are going according to the descriptions you give, without video I can’t really point to something you do, but people are doing it, so is the problem really the boss itself if people are doing it fine? No, people learn at different pace and the game does not need to make all boss fit the slowest pace, there will always be some bosses that are harder than others and if people didn’t complain about this boss here they would be complaining about another one instead.
I’m not trolling, everything I said is actually useful information, you just sound like someone who wants their opinion validated and anyone who disagrees must be trolling you or rage baiting. Sorry I don’t think this boss is hard at all, and I don’t see healing as just being a role exiled from everyone else, doing mechanics, taking dmg and surviving is a team effort, DPS using their defensives and dodge waves is part of surviving it’s not all on your shoulders and the sooner you realize that the better you’ll feel about healing in general.