Swamp boss is a bit much in Floodgate

are you …holy? this sounds like a holy priest complaint since none of your casts seem to work if you’re moving.

Also, OF is fine, it’s Priory that I want them to take another look at. Extend the timer or reduce the amount of trash in there. Spending 10 minutes clearing trash before the first boss isn’t fun…period.

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In a pug group? And if you are a healer and for a few seconds needs to stand and heal then get yanked by a melee dps? This boss has killed the key every time ive tried it. The healing isnt the issue, the tethering in pug groups is the issue

nah im disc.

Yes, in a pug group. I pretty much only pug.

Wrong. None of those should hit you. In fact they never hit you, you eat them. Stop doing that.

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I love this fight, and yes even as a tank I did the mehcanics multiple times cuz in pugs there seems to always be at least one blind person challenging themselves in this game.

It’s just an execution fights, subjectively the hardest kind of fight because most players are very bad at video games, but objectively one of the easiest because there is a way to make most mechanics do nothing to do, this way is called wasd and eyes.

Always move left with the bind when the frontal comes, and after puddles are spawned reposition to a place distant from every puddle but still in melee range of the boss to give you time to see puddles coming. Every wave create a pattern that always has many safe spots and that spot is obvious, with everyone standing on the same spot to start with the next spot to stand on is very obvious, failing to see this is concerning enough to consider getting a medical check up. Everyone should just naturally move to the most obvious safe spot.

Of course that requires basic game knowledge such as stop playing zoomed in like a clown, stop looking at your action bars, pay attention to your surrounding, process information faster than a weedhead, and enjoy playing the game too many people play this out of habit or like they’re forced to, if you feel forced to play just uninstall you’re not doing it right.

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tell me u just read the title and not the post, without telling me u just read the title and not the post…

AT NO POINT did myself, or anyone else, say “I dOnT uNdErStAnD tHe MeChAnIcS”. its a post talking SPECIFICALLY about the difficulty of said mechanics for HEALERS.

but based on every little jab u threw, ur just a troll. so congrats on trolling ig.

99% of healer challenges are caused by people tripping on their own feet while trying to do mechanics. This boss is a perfect example of that, there’s not much dmg going on during the wave phase if people dodge it correctly.
Positioning correctly or even pre-positioning after correctly reading and predicting movements of the waves usually means less hectic movement all over the place which means more time to hard cast heals if needed.

I read and understood the OP correctly but I indeed did not read every post including your own. Which I will do right now.

Ok, so a few points first.
I never said people don’t understand the mechanics, they are very simple, what I’m trying to explain is that there is more to it than just “move left”, “stay with your bind”, and “dodge waves”. The act of moving somewhere else in itself has an almost endless results based on skill and knowledge.

Do you need to be 5 miles away of the frontal when you move left or being just outside the line is fine? Moving less means more time to heal.

Do you have to be on top of your bind the enter time? Not at all, in fact you have more than enough room to make a wave pass between you without getting touched or pulling each other, use this to your advantage if you have to.

Do you need to move with every wave? Not at all, you can look at mor than 1 wave at a time they are all in your screen, tunneling is a sign of low skill, look at the next 3 waves instead of just 1 and you can usually find a spot that allows you to dodge these next 3 waves without moving so you get a lot more time hard casting.

Do you need to stand still right after dodge the frontal even if puddles spawn near you? No you don’t, after puddles appear I always see a bunch of people refusing to move I don’t know why, maybe because of the bind they get stressed? No idea it’s just dumb to me, ping somewhere and start moving, people will follow, ping a spot that’s far from all puddles to get more time to react to incoming waves.

Do you need to top everyone off before the wave phase is over? No you don’t, people take less dmg after because the bind is gone, even if people are low at that point you can catch up there, I see many healers acting like they need everyone to be topped off at every moment, that’s not the case here use this to your advantage.

“But what if I let them get low and they die from a wave?” Literally not your problem. DPS are expected to dodge every single wave, every single time, no exception. That’s not elitist, that’s not esports gaming, that’s just what average gaming should be, anything less is just uninstall level of trash. The waves visual and hitbox is actually well made, I stand on the pixels of the edge and dodge them just fine without taking dmg anyone can do it, also use this to your addvantage you don’t need to be 5 feet away from stuff, you can be close but out the way that is just as safe and saves you lots of time that can be used to heal.

Are you the healer with the most throughput in the game? No, I’m also not the best at literally anything I do in this game, I see people with similar ilvl pulling better numbers than me and I don’t even know how they do but it just means there’s room for improvement one way or another. There’s people healing this boss, so your problems are not the end of the season.

Of course I’m saying all this based on how I imagine your runs are going according to the descriptions you give, without video I can’t really point to something you do, but people are doing it, so is the problem really the boss itself if people are doing it fine? No, people learn at different pace and the game does not need to make all boss fit the slowest pace, there will always be some bosses that are harder than others and if people didn’t complain about this boss here they would be complaining about another one instead.

I’m not trolling, everything I said is actually useful information, you just sound like someone who wants their opinion validated and anyone who disagrees must be trolling you or rage baiting. Sorry I don’t think this boss is hard at all, and I don’t see healing as just being a role exiled from everyone else, doing mechanics, taking dmg and surviving is a team effort, DPS using their defensives and dodge waves is part of surviving it’s not all on your shoulders and the sooner you realize that the better you’ll feel about healing in general.

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You clearly don’t understand the mechanics because you are under the impression that this fight is extremely healing intensive when people do the mechanics correctly. I literally showed you facts that you can survive with zero heals with both dots on you at the same time for the full duration of the pulse.

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Average… 3k-3.2k

I don’t think you know what average means.

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“this way is called wasd and eyes”
“failing to see this is concerning enough to consider getting a medical checkup”
“stop playing zoomed in like a clown”
“stop looking at action bars”
“process information faster than a weedhead”

literally troll comments.

and ur also just flat wrong. “theres not much damage going on in the wave phase”, again, not reading, because not only is that wrong, its also said in the OP. high pulsing aoe is during that phase. pulsing aoe+tether+wave. the 3 mechs that happen at the same time, as stated in the OP.

no, i dont think anyone disagreeing with me is a troll. u literally just ARE a troll. consider the title of the post is basically saying the boss is hard, and u dont think it is, means the only reason u came in here is to throw out ur crappy comments and call ppl bad. trolling.

the fact u think nothing is going on in that phase shows the clear disconnect between healer and tank roles. its fine having a different opinion. but the fact that u are trying make those arguments from a tank perspective, to invalidate a healers points is whats dumb. “99% of healer challenges are caused by people tripping on their own feet while trying to do mechanics” is like, point and case. straight up wrong. thats not a healer challenge cuz most healers dont give a crap. if ur messing up ur either dead, or on ur own.

Not troll, observation is a skill, attention to detail and information processing, use this to move (wasd) your character in a better spot than someone else. You are never just “moving left” to dodge the frontal, you are moving left with different spots to land on that result in different outcomes in the fight, some of hem better than others, pure skill.

Not troll, there are people who find out they have vision issues or information processing issues while playing games, going into this argument thinking everyone has or uses the same brain power is being naive. Even just the amount of sleep you got last night can affect how well you interpret the information on screen into good decisions to play better, maybe terrible sleep is an issue that holds you or someone back in gaming and that can be helped with a medical check up. I’m not even reaching, it’s true, many esports team and pro gamers look into this seriously and I’m not saying timing your little keys and beating this swamp boss is comparable to esports I’m just saying everything helps.

What’s wrong with that? The way it’s phrased? The words used? Sure, stop playing zoomed in. That’s the message, stop letting your feelings get in the way of understanding the message, it’s the same message regardless of how it’s presented. Stop playing zoomed in, if you think that’s troll prove me wrong.

This one isn’t phrased like a troll line, what’s wrong this time? You’re assume I’m making assumptions about how you play? Fair enough, it’s more like a general statement which applies to a lot of people because many wow players change toon between seasons for a change or just to hop on the bandwagon of fotm. Whatever their reason is, playing something they are less experienced with typically results in looking at their actions bar more than they would on their previous main, still bad. I should have also added to have a good UI that doesn’t distract your vision away from what’s important in the screen. Nothing troll with that, I’m starting to believe your definition of troll is just “words I don’t want to hear”.

We all process information at a different speed and this is also something that can be improved. Again, you’re just offended and don’t want to accept that some people process inromation faster than you, just like you process information faster than some other people. That’s life, and life is trolling you I guess.

I can’t count on my fingers the amount of time I’ve seen people take a wave to the face and still live. Meaning that if they don’t even take wave dmg then there really must not be that much dmg going on. Are you really saying the dmg itself is big or are you saying it’s hard to keep people up while moving more than you should so you can’t cast as much as you wish you could? There’s a big difference between the dmg is actually a lot versus there’s not that much dmg but having a hard time to get heals in it feels like the ratio of dmg/heal makes it look like the dmg is overwhelming. I think it’s the latter.

Like, I’m green with a big nose pointy ears and live under a bridge. Only one of those statement is true.

By definition if it’s true it’s not trolling. You can call it rude or call me an a hole, fine. But it’s not trolling, you’re struggling in low keys playing with people eating waves. That’s being bad, it’s factually true, so that makes my statements not troll. A public post about a boss is welcoming every opinion about it, this isn’t a circlej3rk for people to cry in unison about how they can’t get over this boss. I get that you guys are trying the tactic of “if we cry about it enough blizz will nerf it for us so we won’t have to just get better” and me saying it’s not hard is a bumb in the road for your plans but that’s just what life is, a series of unfortunate events. My first post wasn’t even that bad and gave legit useful tips, at the end of the day I will go back in this dungeon and kill this boss easily again while you will refuse to learn from what I say and go wipe again. The only positive outcome is you learning from what I said, nothing else.

Need I remind you that my first reply in this post started with this line:

So yeah, I did the mechanics, I’m well aware of what’s going on in the fight, as you’ve also read from my other posts I actually go into precise details into what can be done to better deal with these mechanics. How could I possibly do that if I believed that “nothing is going on in that phase”? I literally did not say anything that even comes close to that. You’re just pissed and need to make stuff up to even pretend to have a point.

Okay yeah I’m wrong there, it’s probably closer to 90%. I overshot. MY BAD.

All heal has some instant heals on move. But yeah, that boss sucks.

Guess the tank will always be tethered now ? Hope it’s not to a demon hunter jumping all around.


Also a valid point.

Glad I could straighten things out for everyone.

a gentleman and a scholar.

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What did you straighten out? The healer has 3 mechanics to heal. A tank buster, rot damage, and a pulse. I even pointed out that in a +7 a clothie could survive both the rot damage and full duration of the pulse without a single heal or defensive. This is making a mountain out of a mole hill when there are other bosses that actually need attention.

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That everyone is making points that aren’t necessarily untrue.

What are you basing this on? Did you run a 7 where the healer healed no one, and checked logs to ensure zero defensives, or pots, stones, etc. were used?

It was important enough for the OP to mention.

You could always create a thread of your own that highlights the dungeon issues you see that need addressed. Would be more constructive than arguing in every M+ thread as a hobby.

Based it on the damage of abilities, scaled up, and added up.

Just because someone mentions something doesn’t mean it’s valid. We see all the time people bringing up things that are straight up false.

Pulse ends up being 3,138,724 unmitigated and the Rot is 2,319,924 unmitigated during the overlap. Which brings us to 5,458,648. Every class has more HP than that, so the OP complaining about the healing intensity is unfounded.

You’re leaving out human error. This game isn’t made for bots, it’s made for imperfect humans and you’ve got to find the correct formula to facilitate enough people being able to incorrectly do something but still succeed that will keep the majority of people playing.

I thought the last tuning phase was beyond generous, but I’m no content expert. People voice opinions and Blizzard weighs what to tinker with based on data/feedback. If Blizzard doesn’t have time to address everything that needs addressed that’s a personnel issue, not a ‘OP’s complaint isn’t important enough’ issue, if it in fact needs addressed.