Swamp boss is a bit much in Floodgate

Explain to me how the numbers are hard when you can survive the entire overlap without heals?

Is it too hard to use one of your instant cast abilities? There’s zero need to hard cast unless people are running into the orbs, which then isn’t a tuning issue and more of a mechanical failure.

Tuning issues are when things are hitting hard while doing the mechanics properly. This is not that.

fair play ill give u that. but were also focusing a bit hard on the arbitrary +7 numbers our good friend TrolladinForumWarrior gave us. those numbers change quickly with a couple keys levels to 100-0.

You specifically stated low keys and I specifically picked the highest key level you healed. Don’t move goal posts now.

youre really just graspin at straws eh? no1 said it was a tuning thing. differnt skill levels = struggling with different things. one of those things being numbies. but ok, just to finish us off here, im a baddie who finds things hard at a lower level than u do. so congrats, hope ur ego is satisfied now.

Yes, but aren’t health pools changing as people gear up? There will always be a level of difficulty where, with current gear, only the very best will succeed, and everyone else will play lower keys. The number for that difficulty line goes up every week as people get more gear. That’s a normal part of key progression.

Again, explain to me how it’s hard as a healer if you don’t even need to heal.

nah we done here. im having a nice conversation with someone else now. move along.

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Lmao that’s what I thought you can’t articulate how the mechanic and the overlap are difficult for healers in low keys when I’ve shown you can get by without carrying a single thing.

nah u right about that. im not sure where we go from here. ive said i feel something is hard. you disagree. and now were debating things that dont change how i feel about it. so idk.

It’s an opinion about math, and his opinion is that 5+5=15 (simplified the numbers for you). It’s mathematically incorrect, the unavoidable damage isn’t killing anyone unless the healer don’t heal anyone until 2 cycles have passed.

Agree to disagree is always an option, but I would encourage you to interrogate that last bit some on your own. Feelings are fine and all, and we’re always entitled to feel how we feel, but when we take a hard look at things and objectively find that our feelings aren’t grounded in a rational basis it can help start a process where we bring our emotions in line with reality. Why don’t the facts have any bearing on the way you feel about the conclusion?

Wanted to wait until I got home and ran FG on higher than the +2 I had done last week to weigh in. Got into a PUG group in a +6, as best I could tell everyone ran the water mechanics pretty well on 3rd boss, and no one ate the giant obvious frontal. My healing for the fight was 1.34M HPS. Overall it seemed like a pretty decent group mechanically, all the DPS’s overall DPS was around 1.8M, so pretty decent.

1st boss was 1.13M HPS, 2nd was 756k, and final boss was 1.30M, for an overall of 988k with no deaths (the tank was a Blood DK at 594k overall, we had a Warlock so there were stones, a DH and a Ret who both did self healing 172k and 167k overall, with the warlock at 109k).

I haven’t really been paying attention but the HPS requirement for this 6 was probably something similar to what I’m doing in 8’s, and I’m more or less neutral on the tuning. I don’t think it would hurt anything to tone it down a smidge, but I also think that I have 647 ilvl so in a couple weeks we’re all going to out gear this stuff and more than likely 3k IO will be a realistically obtainable goal for around any average key runner who cares enough to queue up. But this is an easily failable dungeon with the right combination of goofball players who ignore mechanics, for sure.

That’s about as unbiased a take on it as I can give. Also I will say the change to not tether healers was nice, as I do feel like being tethered while watching health bars was a minor annoyance when I ran it the first week, that in itself was a pretty decent buff for healers, IMO.

Yo this boss is awful. Who designed this

Healers don’t even need to play with the group now.

It’s not awful at all.

Did I say something you found offensive?

No, I was pointing out the tether/healer change but saw that it had already been mentioned.

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Ahhh, got you. Lol Was just curious. GL this season!

Only reason I hate that fight is because I’m Demonology and I have a cast time on literally everything I do.

However didn’t they recently nerf it? I read they changed the tether to prefer non-healers, they reduced the wave speed, and I thought they reduced the damage. I might be wrong but I swear I read somewhere it got nerfed

yeah they nerfed the # and speed on the waves, and healers dont get tethered, as long as theres 4 other targets. this post was made b4 that nerf.

Move clockwise around the boss as a group. Make small adjustments to dodge waves. Everyone in higher keys understands it.

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