Swamp boss is a bit much in Floodgate

Im a pretty average healer, usually end seasons around 3k-3.2k, so i know its a bit of a skill issue. BUT, i think the swamp boss is a bit too much mechanical overload for healers. some healers handle it better than others with access to “afk” healer (shaman totems for example), but compared to the season of the bosses in the season 2 dungeon pool, it just feels rough. layering a tether+dodging a kinda ridiculoud number of waves+very large pulsing aoe just kinda feels reeeeeeeally unfun. its not uncommon to get really unlucky wave spawns that force u to move way more than normal, meaning your options for dealing with the pulsing aoe are slim to none, all the while hoping your tether partner is on the same page and not pulling you into a wave.

i really hope it gets some kind of change soon, because its the sole reason that i dread going into that dungeon. i think the tuning is fine, but maybe a change to the tether mechanic? it only tethers 2 groups of 2, so why not let the healer be unable to be tethered and let the 4 ppl in the group who are only focused on themselves deal with it, while healers have a little more freedom to deal with the rest? or if not that, maybe space the mechanics out a bit? i understand that theres only 4 mechanics, and the tether is the main one and the reason the rest are “challenging”, but is it really necessary to have 3/4 exclusively happen in tandem? y not delay the pulsing aoe until half way thru the wave dodge or something, let the healers get a brief second to dodge, find room and get ready for the dmg?

idk. like i said, im an average healer, but i dont think im alone here. that boss is just nightmare fuel for healers.


You’re not average if u end up 3k every season trust me.

Also Floodgate is probably in the top or second hardest dungeon this season. Three of the four bosses there are very annoying.


definitely my least favorite. but even still, all the other bosses are kinda whatever. a bit weird and annoying, but not bad tuning or mechanic-wise. its just swamp boss for me. ill get it eventually, but man a second look at the mechanics overload would be nice.

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Just want to say this boss is the STUPIDEST in mythic plus history. Ara Kara final boss was dumb but this is times 10. If the waves one shot you in a +12 that would be fine, but in a +2 when groups roll the rest of the dungeon? Nearly impossible for a PuG not to wipe.

The waves should hit you for 50% of your health, frontal 80% in a 2. And the tether damage should be half. Or not exist at all. I won’t run this again til it’s nerfed.

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This boss is pretty ridiculous. The heaing requirement feels too high for the amount of movement required.

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Yeah, this boss is still a bit too much, lower skill / casual players are struggling with this boss. The swamp boss should get a nerf hammer soon.

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That makes it the healer’s problem in an already challenging healer phase. A one shot takes it off the healer’s plate and makes it each individual player’s responsibility. Even on a 2.

I ran a Floodgate 2 blind, we did alright and timed it, but it was enough to where I intend to watch a video before doing a higher Flood without actually knowing the mechanics.

I’ve never done that before, so I imagine it is pretty tough versus typical dungeons.

Change what? All the group has to do is literally stack on each other and move only “left” or “right”.

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well, i literally gave multiple examples of changes right after what u quoted so. and “Change what? All the group has to do is literally stack on each other and move only “left” or “right”.” is like the epitome of a dps answer. the entire post i was talking about the fight difficulty as a healer. dps worst case scenario “let me lose a couple globals and do a little less damage so i can dodge waves and stick to my tether”. healer uses the same thought process, then the group wipes.


What is there to heal if people are doing the mechanics properly and using their buttons? This is not the most healing intensive fight in this dungeon, not by a long shot.

So yes, stack and move in the same direction is the answer.

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This is probably my least favorite dungeon boss this season, and I say that as an evoker, so mobility isn’t really an issue.
lots of things happening at once, ground skills used in water, which can make it a bit difficult to see.
Being trapped for so long even prevents me from using some of my magic (Deep Breath).

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did you even read the post. because i ALSO explained the exact mechanic overlap that makes it a problem to heal. pulsing aoe duing the tether/movement that WILL kill u at even low key levels if you arent pumping heals out. like dang man, read the whole post b4 u try to troll.

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This isn’t true at all lmao.

alright, explain then. cuz at this point im not even sure youve seen the fight.


Takes all, but two seconds to see if I did before making such comments lmao.

ok cool so youve done it. thats not an explanation of how im wrong. your also a tank. so the least affected by every mechanic the boss does. dont really get tethered. and if you do, its the other persons job to follow you around. and you can throw out instant spot heals for free if you feel like it. also by far the least impacted by the pulsing aoe.

if you wanna argue and tell me im wrong, fine. but at least make an argument. all youve done is say im wrong, and plug ur io. care to explain, or just troll because ur a tank?

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How is this any sort of counter? As a tank I keep a very close eye on my party’s health throughout all encounters and Floodgate is not the painpoint of this dungeon if people are doing the mechanics and using their buttons.

What is a tank buster?

All of which is mitigated by stacking and moving in one direction.

The tether Razorchoke Vines deals 579,981 unmitigated damage per second in a +7. Meaning before vers, defensives, externals, ect.

Which means without any mitigating factors you would survive 15 ticks without heals in a +7.

Awaken The Swamp deals 784,681 unmitigated damage in a +7 4 times which is the only ability DPS and Healers really need to use defensives and externals for which cuts down healing requirements significantly.

So like I said, this is not the pain point if people are doing the mechanics and pressing their buttons.

I haven’t brought up my IO. I posted the key after you tried to call me out on not seeing the dungeon.

im not saying tanks do nothing. im saying that throwing a wog, LoH, spellwarding, w/e is vastly different from the role of a healer. instant casts, and its not expected, its just extra help.

idk why u mentioned a tank buster. i said tanks are the LEAST affected by the mechanics mentioned. i didnt say unaffected. i also didnt say tank buster at all because thats irrelevant to the point i was making.

i feel like we keep circling back here. YES, stacking and moving in 1 direction is the correct strat. at no point did i say it wasnt. that doesnt mean HEALING while doing that isnt ridiculously difficult depending on your class. which IS the point i was making.

i appreciate that u put the numbers for the damage ticks. thats actually helpful. but 2 things your not thinking about, are the fact that during the overlap of both those ticks, totally about 1.3mil/sec in a +7 according to your numbers, there is constant movement dodging waves, leaving time for 1, maybe 2 hard casts if your lucky. and also, ASSUMING the group is using their defensives properly, the overlap happens far more often that defensives would be available.

look man, if you wanna keep going we can, but this post was my opinion on how the boss feels as a healer. and arguing with a tank about how hard something is for a healer feels pretty pointless. but honestly dude, read the very first line of my original post, and im pretty sure we can just be done here.


This is back pedaling, you stated specifically that there’s no mechanics that affect tanks more.

Except I didn’t even need to use Spellwarding or LoH on anyone in the +9 I ran.

Literally not what you said lmao.

I proved to you that the healing requirements are not high for this fight in what you called low keys.

Yes, which is less than 20% of your hp and only ticks 4 times. Again, when it is completely unmitigated.

This is a hyper over exaggeration.

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