I don’t think we needed the blanket 10% HP and Damage nerf, but there are some targeted mechanics that I think are overtuned.
I haven’t done a ton of keys yet, cause of time, but here are a few things that I felt were hitting harder than most others or bad overlaps.
- Big M.O.M.M.A.
- Electrocrush (Tank Buster): I feel like this tank buster hits a lot harder than many others this season of equivalent key level. Part of coming out of S1 was Blizzard admitting and acknowledging that tank busters were happening too frequently and I think the damage and CD of this ability should to be looked at.
- Geezle Gigazap
- The overlap of Thunder Punch and Leaping Sparks is atrocious. These mechanics on their own are not bad at all, but Thunder Punch can knock you out of the arena while leading the sparks into the puddles like you are supposed to. Either make Leaping Sparks not target tanks, or adjust the mechanic timers so they don’t overlap.
- Benk Buzzbee
- Honey Marinade: The damage hits as soon as the puddle drops and doesn’t give you time to move out unless you are pre-kiting. While, yes, this can be mitigated by pre-kiting it would make sense to add a 5. second delay on the damage.
- Goldie Baronbottom
- Cash Cannon: The visual cone for the frontal is not accurate and will hit Barrels outside of cone.
- Blazikon
- Blazing Storms: Deals massive party damage when no players are in melee combat. While I have no problem with a mechanic like this, the boss’s hit box is extremely misleading. You can be well within the targeting circle and be considered out-of-melee range especially with the knockback. If you go in too close to be safe, then you also risk getting hit by the gusts that spawn at the boss and move outward while not being in it’s direct path.
- Captain Dailcry
- Pierce Armor: This ability was already nerfed, but the bleed effect is still significantly more harmful than almost every other tank buster ability. The bleed lasts for 10 seconds and is basically on the entire encounter.
- Mechanized Peacekeeper
- Charged Claw (Tank Buster): Happens way too frequently and hits as hard, if not harder, as Boss tank busters.