Survey about RDF *excited*

Ewww raid finder

Yes but its not that simple. You allow tanks to reque so that helps more people run. But then tanks get geared fasfer than everyone and it creates an even shorter supply. The best they came up with was to give more rewards to tanks. It may not have been the best solution, but it did work.

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i cannot get back into the survey nor would i post it anyways as Blizzard asked us not to stream it or screen shot it.

The horror of being able to use a tool to organize pug raids.

The horror!

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Fake news. RDF will never happen. Keep coping and seething.

Raid finder essentially makes it so you’re not “forced” to join a guild to see the content. People who don’t want to “make time” don’t have to now. Good for those people, bad for a lot of casual guilds who depend on those people.

There is one in the game right now… press “i” and it will open up.

Thats my mana potion hotkey!

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I know right. What a shame that players that all want to be ramdomly grouped with 4 other players actually get grouped. Unreal.

Amd not only that, but they would bring the amount of players using the flight paths to a crawl. Think about that. All of those flight paths not being used. Shame.

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Hey don’t worry, even if that’s fake we at least can take comfort in knowing they’re considering Cataclysm Classic and sending surveys to get feedback about that.


That’s from over a year ago. Nice try

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There is a Wowhead article about it now.

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Ok, that gives the existence more credibility

Blizzard’s target is in question though. I mean really, lots of active WotLK players not getting a survey?

Edit: Yeah, no, still troll thread. Nothing about WotLK and RDF. That’s all Cata questions in the survey

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I see no wowhead article about a RDF survey

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Where do you think the foundation for LFR came from? Thin air?

oh, im not the OP, my survey was about features to add in to next classic.

They made no mention of RDF, indicating that it will be in before the next iteration of classic…aka wrath.

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Cause there is no survey. It would have been all over Reddit and Wowhead by now.

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LFR is largely irrelevant.

its literally a story mode raid that allows people to see the raid and its story.


Send it to me too!! :heart:

Awww i didn’t get a survey. Hope everyone votes yes to RDF!