Survey about RDF *excited*

World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic Survey Sent by Blizzard - Wowhead News

He meant RDF survey.

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And we asked them not to make major changes and release servers of the previous expansions AS THEY WERE THEN. Blizz ignores us so you feel obligated to respect their requests?

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If LFR was irrelevant then why is normal mode raid participation in the gutter in retail?

It’s almost like you can’t convince people to do difficult content when brain-dead billy never even had to alt tab to get his full epics that look just like yours with a different color.

If you legitimately think LFR is a good thing then go play retail. I swear, Benediction players belong on retail you all think like them lmao

Theres no rdf survey its a cata survey. op is just trolling copium.


This is extremely concerning to the future of Wrath Classic.

I doubt it. I was always in casual guilds. We had no trouble recruiting for normal raids and we never touched the lfr. It was nerfed down raids with nerfed down loot. No one who had the time to commit to doing normal raids wanted to do them and if those who didn’t have time to do normal raids wanted to see the content in a nerfed down raid it didn’t bother me at all.

What’s the difference? Why is one good for the game and the other bad?

I was there. You saw threads constantly on the forums about it.

This is exactly my point. People who were struggling to make time, or becoming resentful of making time, no longer had to. They could do the raid whenever they wanted with LFR. If your guild happened to have a lot of those people, which a lot of casual guilds did at the time, then your guild ended up in a bad place once those people decided that LFR was good enough.

I don’t even say this to say it shouldn’t be added, but just to acknowledge the reality of the situation.

/shrug Ok. Maybe it didn’t affect me because when I raided it was on one of my healers. I don’t care if it’s added because it didn’t affect me and I never used lfr. But I also wouldn’t complain if it wasn’t added, because I never used it. It’s not like the rdf that I used all the time on multiple alts

I don’t know. It’s like the old saying goes: no man is a island. We’re all content for each other here. But hey, if you say it won’t then it won’t.

I have no opinion on LFR, i never did it.

It has trash gear and its for story.

It literally does nothing to the game.

Normal mode drops higher ilvl than lfr.


So what?..most people on these forums and from other sources want dungeon finder not raid finder. Raid finder was not in wrath, dungeon finder was.

I liked it when it first came out as I had no guild at the time. However it became meaningless because I was full tier in less than a day. Remember ORIGINAL LFR? where there were no loot restrictions and you could just keep doing it ad nauseum til full gear? yeah in hindsight I hated that. Was okay for seeing the story but otherwise I have stopped being a fan of it.

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Can you post a screenshot of the survey?

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The problem I have with this is why do you want people raiding with you that actually don’t want to raid? It is going to be detrimental to the group and personally I would rather play with people enjoying themselves.

There is no survey. You fell for fake news.

If it existed it would be plastered all over Reddit and Wowhead just like all the others. The only recent survey was about cata classic.

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The short answer is tho, they cant because it doesnt exist :copium:


What happened to your BE hunter?

It’s called the foot in the door technique.

Once you make concessions like this it opens up the other concessions that led to people wanting classic to begin with.