Support to no-RDF - Please don't add it

yeah, but you still only got 2 on the first one. So a tank would get his 2 high tier badges the first heroic, but only 2 low tier badges on all subsequent runs.

You make it seem like the tank gets bonus 2 high tier badges because someone else in the group is doing their first heroic of the day. The tank running past his first instance of the day isn’t getting anything extra, like you are implying.

I dunno? Badges, Honor, Reps, your precious orbs?

With dual spec, I can.

and they only had to wait 8 expansions for it to happen!

I hope you take all the items from the anti RDF people.

Also seems pointless, just go tank a gdkp and make way more gold.

You going to be making like 100g/hour doing heroics lol

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Nyseine is for sure on watch OMEGALUL

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that has to wait for my 3rd toon to hit 80 tho. my 1st 2 are spoken for

With LFD, I would always run multiple heroics across all four tanks.

Without LFD, I might run w/e the daily is on one, maybe two, of my tanks.

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I never once said that or insinuated that.

I never said they did.

Right now, current system, if you have 100 total tanks you are only going to get 100 total badge runs. When they added RDF every time a tank went twice additional people beyond the 100 available tanks could also go.

Yea we won’t start splits for 6 weeks, so I plan on doing both toons to 80 week 1 and run gdkps for 6 weeks on my split toon till guild is ready.

Should make a few thousand a week.

Yeah, but DPS and healers could also go another round. It’s not like DPS did one heroic and stopped queueing so the other DPS could get their daily heroic done faster. They just kept queuing if they wanted to do more dungeons. Like you can queue up as a tank, and all 4 other members could have already completed their daily heroic. So it’s not like you are guaranteeing more people are completing their daily heroic.

The only benefit I could see is in a guild of 25 people, two tanks could help each DPS skip the queue by queuing with them. In TBC, the daily heroic is set, so the tank can only run it once, but with RDF, they could run 4 or 5 dungeons to help cycle through their guild, but that doesnt really help the guildless folks if they arent taking any pugs.

yeah dude prob in the same pos, my pally tank alt is gonna be nuts in demand week 1

I’m also going to be a Pally for my split but I’ll be holy

It’ll probably be in more demand with 10man verisons of each raid in wotlk, but in tbc, i dont ever see GDKPs looking for tanks except for kara and ZA. MAYBE you need a fire resist tank for BT. GDKPs are only ever looking for DPS and 1 maybe 2 healers.

good choice dude!

You just aren’t understanding the math here. I’ll dumb it down so you could understand.

Right now, if there are 100 tanks available to do the daily, you have a total of 500 possible heroic badges getting into the game if there are no repeats.

RDF. If there are 100 tanks available, there will still be 500 total badges possible if there are no repeats. HOWEVER… for every tank that runs more than once, and takes 4 people eligible for their first run of the day heroic reward… you can go over the 500 total badges earned.

It’s simple math. How are you not getting this?

A tank could earn Rep for shoulders, Honor if they have WG buff and a bunch of other reasons making them go more than once. Just say you didn’t play during OG wrath at this point. Because if you did you would know all this.

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yeah, the tank can queue a second time, but so could the DPS. A tank queuing in for the first time could get 4 party members who already completed the daily.

I mean yeah? but who cares if a DPS Queues twice? You NEED a tank. There won’t be a DPS shortage, there will be a tank shortage. Right now there will be a finite amount of daily quest badge runs due to tank scarcity. RDF alleviates that.

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RDF only alleviates that if it incentives someone to play tank. The reason people don’t play tank is because when it comes to raid spots, you only need two. It’s natural there is going to be a disparity.

Its why LFR queues (at least back in panda, havent really played retail in a long time), DPS had the quickest queues.

I bet if you added Call to Arms to RDF, some of the anti RDF people would switch sides.

I’m willing to bet that the people who are pro RDF also skip to dungeons in their pen and paper campaigns and give themselves magic gear to start out. Don’t need a lengthy journey to remember later. I mean who would want to try to make new memories while trying to relive old ones. Maybe its the target audience.

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