Support to no-RDF - Please don't add it

and a good farm for me tbh. Gotta get those garunteed orbs for my jcing.

I guess if you define many as more than 3, than you’re right. :no_good_woman:

the thing is IF they’re right about the numbers, theres no way blizzard doesnt know that. It just makes the situation even worse, in that world blizzard has doubled down and you’re all just collateral damage.

That’s true. There are more than 3 people in the Pro RDF camp, and more than 3 people in the Anti RDF camp.

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Well in the least it’s endgame for a lot of alts. One char for raids, the others just need their bop heroic epics and they’re set. Maybe some frozen orb runs as well.

Crafted gear is trash,you will be swimming in orbs by day 4.

Heroic dungeons drop ilvl200 the same as 10 man Naxx.

You could skip heroics if you wanted.

Naxx is a joke.

Annnnd you just proved you never played wrath era. The tank can run 3 heroics in a row. If I RDF with them in run number 1 I get my badges, if 4 different people run with the tank on run number 2, they get their badges, if 4 different people run with the tank on run number 3, they get their badges.

So instead of just 4 people getting their daily badges from the current system, in RDF 12 people get a badge with one tank.

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oh i will because i’ll reserve them. need orbs for JCing prisms for money

Can’t really reserve in the new tool.

So you won’t be actually using the tool instead you will be “selling” your tanks service, it all makes sense now.

All Anti LFD should be the ones to walk and summon us lmao. Give us titles Pro or Anti and let them do this traveling shouting in chat bs while the rest of us chill. :sunglasses:

and what does the tank get from that? id rather 3 people pay me 500g and get garunteed orb and boes than 12 people and i get nothing. <3

you can. i can invite you. whisper *** reserved. if you say no i kick and replace you.

Our guild tanks and healers used to run our entire guild thru every day so we could progress. Sorry your guild tanks didn’t like you enough to do that.

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I don’t see what you are trying to say. There are what, 11 heroic dungeons at launch? So at most, you can run 11 heroics per day and get badges. Why does it matter if the tank runs with different DPS each time?

With RDF at launch, a group could run 50 heroics in a day if they wanted, assuming there is no instance cap.

i AM my guild tank. check my logs going back to karazhan <3. why would i run pugs tho?

It’s prety obvious you don’t understand, because you did not play in wrath.

When they added RDF they removed the daily quest to do a specific dungeon. They changed it from that to first dungeon of the day. That meant it could be your third, but my first. It meant more tanks and healers could run more people through.

I mean I won’t be needing the tool.

I’m chilling in wotlk.

Doing 2 toons to 80 for splits and that’s all thru guild.

Badges are irrelevant so don’t really need to heroic spam on my split toon.

Main will be in a premade heroic your group and prolly done with heroics in 5 days.

Ian also said “if you want playable high elves then the Horde is waiting there for you” and yet the alliance have playable High Elves now.

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well i didnt mean you personally.