Sunreavers [spoilers]

But that was the canon lore, she didnt just kill anyone, she only killed those who resisted. At worse, you could blame her for the excess the Silver Covernant did but even then not all of them were following her orders.

Hold up. So you’re saying I can actually go out and kill Sunreavers again?

Where do I sign up and how many swords should I bring?

Need to get me some of that “morally gray”.


Aureton’s post was implying that Jaina didn’t kill anyone, period, and thought that Blizzard was taking a bug as canon. The reason she killed anyone isn’t relevant, because the NPC they’re adding is the one that’s holding it against Jaina. I’m not arguing in his place.


Would correct that tidbit, it was 1 Sunreaver and Fanlyr Silverthorn under Garrosh’s order.

The rest with the exception of Aethas, seemed to not been aware of the theft.

  1. They weren’t forcibly removed from Dalaran. They were forbidden to leave.

  2. Nobody was fed to sharks when the High Elves and later, the Void Elves were exiled.


Sunreavers shouldn’t even BE in Org. That’s where you rescue Baine from. And to top it off- Theron is sent out to sea for some odd reason, with Nathanos and he is no where in Silvermoon?

You know she took the opportunity and moved the Sunreavers to Org, with the taunt of Jaina’s death. She is manipulating them in his absence.

It makes me question if Nathanos won’t back stab Theron.

All we were told was that “Silvermoon will remain in the hands of the Horde”. They didn’t say if the “Elves” would remain in the hands of the Horde.

Jaina told them to leave. They refused. They were then incarcerated, and met with force when they resisted that.

Maybe on the technicality that there are no sharks in Quel’thalas. In the broader terms of whether or not atrocities were commited against the High Elves and future Void Elves, we don’t know. There’s scant information on the High Elves exile, and none on the Void Elves. Given their desire to still reside in Quel’thalas even now, I doubt it went peacefully.


Sylvanas likely found the most vengeful Sunreavers she could and placed them there knowing Jaina would show up.


Why do Alliance players insist on claiming this is what happened, when it simply didn’t?


I can kinda sorta see where the confusion comes from. Just look at this dialogue from two different quests, both of which you get at the same time.

The Sunreaver’s Sanctuary is still crawling with those Horde-loving Sunreavers.

Jaina will have sent the reasonable ones to the Violet Hold. The rest refuse to leave, raising their weapons against us.

Yet, at the same time, she says this:

Compliant Sunreavers will be sent to the Violet Hold. Defiant ones are put to the sword.

NONE are to escape.

Make up your mind, Vareesa! Are the Sunreavers refusing to leave, or are they forbidden to leave? No wonder the Purge was a mess with management like that.


Are we sure those are sunreavers he is commanding?

Why would Sylvanas specifically go out of her way to place Sunreavers? She knows that there are very few things on Azeroth that could stop Jaina, let alone Jaina, Saurfang, Thrall and the PC. I would think that who she would place to play the part of guard would mean very little to her since whoever it is, is going to die regardless.

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Because it did. When you first show up there with Jaina, she takes out Aethas’ bodyguards, and tells him to take the Sunreavers, and leave “my city”. To which Aethas protests it’s not just Jaina’s city, and refuses to leave, and things spiral from there.


Well- we know that Theron gets sent out to sea with Nathanos, ordered by Sylvanas herself. It’s also said that Jaina is running them down. I don’t want to speculate the “worst” scenario and so I am not going to do that. I know they aren’t done crapping on the Horde but anyway- This may happen after Org with the Sunreavers. I think that it goes like this:
Theron sent out> Sunreavers moved to Org> Saves Baine/Engages Jaina> Jaina rushes out to sea after Theron and Nathanos.

I’m not sure if it’s because Jaina knows something that we don’t yet and may try to intervene (maybe trying to stop Nathanos from something) or knows what they are going to do. Either way, they all get dragged under into Naj.

Speaking to one person =/= speaking to the entire faction.

You can argue that Aethas was given the option. But Aethas is one person. The Sunreavers, as a whole, were not offered that same option. As soon as Aethas was taken, the city was locked down and leaving wasn’t an option.


Unknown_Male: Proudmoore and Shaw risked their lives to rescue Baine? Unexpected.
Unknown_Female: Is it? Not long ago, Alliance and Horde fought together to liberate Suramar from the Legion.
Unknown_Male: Cooperation between our sides has been the exception, not the rule. More often, we are at each other’s throats.
Unknown_Female: His life spared for one he saved.
Unknown_Female: I am sorry for what happened to your people in Dalaran. The response was… Harsh.
Unknown_Female: Perhaps we do not need to. It might be enough to direct our attacks against Azshara rather than the Alliance.
Unknown_Male: That plan would infuriate Blightcaller… which makes me like it all the more. Hmm… “It stops when you turn from one another and walk away…”
Unknown_Female: Yes. We also have a history of setting differences aside to fight greater foes.
Unknown_Male: A lesson once taught to Jaina Proudmoore and me. Your counsel is wise, Thalyssra. Our focus must be on ending Azshara’s reign.
Unknown_Female: A truce then? We fight Azshara here, not one another.
Unknown_Male: But if the Alliance undermines our efforts, the flames of war will rise again.
Unknown_Female: For all her lies, Priscilla Ashvane spoke one truth. The war between the Alliance and Horde has kept us distracted. Divided, we have no hope against N’Zoth.
Unknown_Male: We may have found common cause here in Nazjatar, but the battle still rages beyond these waters. So long as Sylvanas holds Orgrimmar, there can be no lasting peace.
Unknown_Female: The war needs to end, Lor’themar. You know this to be true.
Unknown_Male: I had hoped that reason would prevail. But the time has come to finish this.
Unknown_Male: I will tell my people what transpired here. Of how Azshara fell because we stood together. Of the threat rising from the depths, and all that is at stake if we should fail.
Unknown_Male: Then I will take my place beside Saurfang and Thrall, and pray that the sin’dorei stand with me.

From a mod post on MMOC.

World of Peacecraft is coming. I suppose.

WTB ability to side with N’zoth against Azeroth.


Aethas, leader of the Sunreavers, was given the option to take the entirety of his Sunreavers, and leave. Aethas, leader of the Sunreavers, refused, speaking on behalf of the Sunreavers in claiming Dalaran was their home as well.


Reading over Azshara’s lines, everything she says is so… imperious, and charmingly smug. I’d rather side with her, than play nice with the Horde at this point.


welcome to the big baller club Lor’themar!!! always knew you were on our side :clap::clap::clap:


I wonder if Sylvanas had the Sunreavers positioned to die in order to anger the Sindorei people, and prolong the war.

Some Orcs and Trolls in game are reveling in this war. There are Tauren who speak of Taurajo. We have these angry Elves.

It would be interesting to see if Sylvanas maintains support of the common Horde soldier over their Racial Leaders, because she manipulates that “Cycle of Hatred.” Lorthemar seems to be uncertain his people will follow him.

From this dialogue, it also seems that the events in Nazjatar are a bit isolated from the rest of the War. Since Lorthemar seems to be saying he needs to make his people aware of it.