Sulfuras and thunderfury

If you’re a ret paladin, with the gold/mats you have a good chance of getting sulfuras. Simply because there’s not many ret to begin with and most warrior don’t really want it when they weigh out the work to gain for them. Plus they will want sword for everything.

That might be true, I guess it just comes down to your guild and how long you have to wait and still do MC.

The bottom line is you won’t optimize the potential of the weapon enough as a paladin, and without sending you a novel why, is because paladins are not MAIN tanks. I’m dumbfounded we are even having this conversation

I get your overall argument, but please explain how a paladin will ever compete for gear with a shaman in vanilla…



I already posted the numbers earlier. To throw your words back at you, the paladin optimizes the the potential of the weapon over a warrior. That said, we will just have to wait and see how well a warrior does with threat compared to a paladin as parry is about 10% higher than what is on Pservers as an example of a difference in a paladins favor.

9/10 troll, in 2019 8+ is difficult

Bully for you, sir.

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Thunder Fury for Reckoning Prot / Ret spell damage build.

We will be forming a Paladin Guild in Classic.

THE PALADIN Guild - Welcome

This – holy reck TF paladin is the dream

Get bashed on while turret healing team – turn around and light the poor b****** up with a reck bomb/holy dmg combo

One can dream

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Paladin out of mana, what is his proc rate ? :wink:

Obviously you get the Druid to Innervate you.

Wouldn’t matter as the paladin at the minimum easily has infinite mana for holy shield and judgement in a raid setting without external help.

I’ve done that before, but because they run so little spirit it doesn’t help them all that much.

Not for a tank obviously but still.

It was primarily a joke. It’s a huge waste of a powerful cooldown, but mana is the limiting factor for paladins.

I’m not really sure a paladin can out-threat top tier DPS without running out of mana.

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The dream would be going back in time prior to patch 1.9 and getting seal of fury back and blowing everything up. Not only did it do more threat than SoR does now after the fix it gave 5 chances to proc anything. That would be 350+ threat from Thunderfury alone. 80 hps from JoL and 77 mps from JoW. JoFury gave a flat amount of threat everytime holy damage was done to the target. So holy shield procs, ret aura ticks, and consecration would do an addition 387 threat whenever they hit the target. You can probably tell how crazy it was.

In a raid setting it is very easy to get up to 200 spirit with all the buffs. At 200 spirit, a paladin would regen 2750 mana over the duration. With 5 innervates over a 7 min fight that is 32.7 mana per second. Since innervate’s cooldown is actually only 6 minutes you would end up with even higher. Paladin raid tanking has never been about practicality.

So… outside of a raid built around a paladin, they’re not as good as a warrior because they’re not practical…?

You are overestimating the parry mathematics just to create favor for your thunderfury paladin favoritism but you’ll find that guilds that know what they’re doing will never have a Tf paladin. You see a grand whopping total of ZERO prot paladins across Pserver logs, and a massive total of ZERO prot paladins with TF. You just want to daydream about being that one special hero paladin with TF to feel special but the player base will be way less forgiving and accepting these days of such an irrational loot choice in classic. Again, you simply will not be main tanking as a paladin, thunderfury on the MT warrior will have a 100% uptime on every boss his guild clears. 100% uptime on all trash clears. A prot paladin with TF will tank what, some imp adds in MC? Infernals on nefarian? Some big trash in AQ? You still are making absolutely zero sense or mathematical evidence of why a prot paladin would be better with TF and even hypothetically they were better AE tanks with TF, there are so few fights where that niche would shine, that it does not outweigh or outjustify that if it being on a warrior with , again, 100% uptime on bosses and trash. Oh and btw if a warrior is tanking you don’t need to bring a bunch of druids just to burn innervate on so he doesn’t go oom like a prot paladin. You are advocating for misuse of raid resources on a prot paladin just because you want to be selfish and use thunderfury. Good luck inning that by your guild leadership. LOL!

Uhhh what? There are plenty of prot pallys with TF on private servers lol.

Idk what you’re on or why you’re so angry about this, but you’re going to be one salty boi when you see prot pallys with TF, because they will exist, as they do on p servers and as they did in vanilla WoW. Pugging MC, especially later on in the server life, is a joke. Not hard to host a run and reserve bindings.

For guild runs, I personally don’t agree that pallys should ever get it over the first 2-3 warrior tanks in the guild, but after that it’s totally fair in my book. BIS for prot pallys, second BIS for spell power pallys (or BIS if you’re too lazy to farm MCPs). By the time you see your third one, you’ll likely be in Naxx anyway, so it wont be worth it for rogues, dps warriors, or hunters, as they all have better weps out of Naxx. Tanks should already have them by then.

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Plenty of prot pally bro. Even some threads on here talking about how their guild will be using prot pallys

Outside of streamers or guilds built specifically to prove this is possible (it is, it’s viable not optimal) you are correct, the paladin will not be the MT. They were/are/will be the off tanks, the guys who pick up adds tank trash and overall make the entire run work.

You could have the absolute most bad@$$ warrior MT, they still aren’t tanking the raids solo. It simply doesn’t work.

Now ask yourself this, would you rather have an off tank for trash etc who can then heal during bosses or an off tank who can only put up terrible dps swinging a nightfall for the fight?

Paladins provide a ton of varied and useful buffs. Warriors all provide the same buff, which only affects half the classes and even on those it only affects half of them all of the time. So a DPS warrior’s buff affects 2 classes 100% of the time, one of which is themselves the other is a rogue. Their raid DPS boost is completely negligible outside of personal DPS.

Paladins provide Might/Wis/Salv/Kings/Sanc and Light. Each and every single one of those is raid wide, which means a single paladin can be given credit for the entirety of the buffs effect. The might paladin can therefore be given credit for boosting the entire raids DPS by XXX, the Wis paly can be given credit for XXX mana regen, the Salv and Sanc ones however are the real kicker. One provides up to 30% more raid DPS and the other prevents up to 24 damage per hit per person on the entire raid. That AoE that hit all 40 for 1000? yeah the paladin prevented 960 damage just by existing. I cannot wait for raid logs in classic just to show people how ridiculously powerful that buff actually is.

The point is 5/6 paladins will be taken to every raid, why in god’s name would you need that many to heal when they can fill a different role and let the warrior in that role provide ton’s of DPS.

Everyone keeps talking about how terrible ret is and how much better fury is than it, and yet you rather have the paladin provide DPS and the Warrior offtank?