Sulfuras and thunderfury

Fair enough, but prot warrior doesn’t seem right. Revenge is off the GCD and generally 100% CD uptime in decent gear. Plus shield slam and hamstrings are extra attacks on the GCD (im assuming sunder doesnt proc on hit but havent seen anyone on the beta test it). Also for horde tanks you get WF totem for extra attacks (a benefit paladins wont have).

Its cool to know that seals proc on-hit effects, has anyone confirmed it works on beta?

because i spoke from a Horde perspective.

So obviously, paladin will never get it over shaman becasue sgaman is horde, and paladin is alliance.

If i spoke lliance side, then obviously paladin. Cmon

Paladins and Shamans were really the only people that got Sulfuras because they’re the only ones that even want it. Your only competition is going to be from other Paladins/Shamans. Sometimes the mats went to a warrior because people didn’t know better, or because he was an officer who just wanted it, but I doubt this will be the case now.

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unless you are a cetain people with a big audience and teh audience will do anything for that person … no need to name those “people”

I doubt anybody in this thread, or the vast majority of the population will have a streamer in their raid group.

i hope so … but i know certain of them, that will do anything the streamer ask…

But i wnt to stay away from that … well i guess it depend of which streamer but most of them are just god damn toxic

yeah and a Warrior with TF is 2x the MT you will be with it lol

Revenge, Shield Slam, and Sunder do not proc on hit effects in 1.12. I believe shield bash at one point did earlier, but it was removed by 1.12. As a Prot warrior, you won’t be in any stance except for defensive long enough to use hamstring as that requires battle or berserker stance. The only fight a warrior wouldn’t be in defensive stance to tank is Vael as you would lose too much threat otherwise.

Luckily, paladins don’t have to compete for positions in horde guilds in classic…maybe it’s unlucky because that would simply buff all hybrids (except cat) tremendously across the board. Pally tank/dps with WFT, my mouth is watering already.

They say it does, but the only mention I looked into was the announcement that dragonbreath chili scaled 100% spell damage and they happened to show that it procced twice on the same hit with SoR up.

Are you really comparing non Tank classes to Tanks when considering the dangers of going OOM? That reply clearly shows me how inept you are and out of touch. If a Mage goes OOM the raid doesnt wipe. If a Pally tank goes OOM they cant use their abilities for threat. Can you say “bye bye raid?” This is why Pallies DO NOT tank, at very least they wont be used for main tank. This is why Thunderfury is wasted on Pallies. YOU WONT GET IT. Just accept it.

Wrong. Fury Tanking is a thing and as such has no needs for an Off Tank except in a few possible “OH CRAP” moments. Fury tank wont come into play however as a main thing till post Molten Core when they geared out and have Thunderfury. They generate huge threat due to DPS alone and taking harder hits allows more rage generation. Since they wont have shield 70% of the time, they use macros to swap into shields for specific moments only for heavy incoming damage or to use shield wall/bash. They never run out of rage and can utilize Whirlwind and Cleave for AoE as well. Also since not in Prot stance they can use Thunderclap for adds which in combination with Demoralizing shout helps. The hits will be less often and not as hard. They usually have a dedicated 2 heals for them which overall works great. With such high Threat this allows ALL DPS to go ham and not hold back which means faster boss kill times and overall less damage taken by the raid.

The problem is the parry rate. Private servers had them too low. Which means parry haste is going to murder tanks.

Yep. And going to effect druids unfortunately also

Wont affect Fury Tank. It was a thing back in Vanilla wow live. Just wont be as potent as private. But its still viable

There is evidence of rogues getting TF because they would dps in PvP. I’ve never heard of a pally getting TF. If mobs arn’t attacking a pally, that pally isn’t generating threat. The dev acknowledged that and didn’t fix the prot spec issue until TBC.

You might Get Sulfuras in phase 2 if your an officer in the guild. That’s when Shamans get it for their enhancement dream. I wouldn’t count on it though because Warriors will be after it as well.

Edit: Shamans can’t use TF lol

Warrior have no reason to want it aside from cosmetic. They benefit from swords the most. This is known.

Why would a Shaman get TF? They can’t use swords.

It’s a high threat weapon that helps them with AoE threat which is a weakness. It’s not cosmetic.

I meant shamans getting Sulfuras didn’t mean to add them there.

Forgot to proof read, here I’ll edit it.

He was talking about sulfuras

It’s like you think the world is a hive mind that follows your ideals and preferences. Get over it and accept that you aren’t any one actually important.

You have discredited yourself here. A fury tank means they tank in a fury spec, not spend most of their time out of defensive stance. If you tank outside of defensive you are taking an 86% drop in threat. Without Defensive stance’s bonus threat you won’t be doing enough threat to keep those ignite mages alive. The only time you tank like that is speed running through instances, not raids

I agree 100%, mages need TF as they are the best AOE’ers