Sulfuras and thunderfury

While getting Thunderfury is a pipe dream, I’m not sure why people are acting like the raid giving the Sulfuras mats to a Paladin is at all odd. They’re the only class who should get it, warrors don’t raid with 2 handers, and even if they wanted a 2 hander the sword that drops from Rag is better for them, and every warrior is going to be specced into swords, not maces. Nobody else can use or wants it, so every raid I ever heard about just gave it to their Hpally to one shot people in their Ret PvP spec.


Sulfuras was intended by the original game devs to be a hunter weapon. If you play the WoW CE CD backwards at midnight you can hear Metzen’s voice chanting it.

Classic is our chance to rewrite history, and get it right this time. #sulfurasisahunterweapon

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I remember the outrage when the world first Thori’dal, The Stars’ Fury was given to a Rogue in TBC.
Was mint.
Such bitter sweet revenge for all those “Hunter’s Loot” lol

It was really the reasoning that was dumb, honestly. It’s like giving Ashjre’thul to a tank. Thori’dal was actually not as good as other stat sticks for Rogues too.

I saw plenty of rogues and paladins with it.

Sulfuras matches shaman with it being element theme weapon.

Thunderfury is an anyone weapon do to its looks.

Well I certainly hope the first of those two legendaries aren’t warriors.

Well don’t see why not a paladin would get sulfuras if they gathered all mats, its not worth the hassle unless you want it to be. A lot of mobs are immune to fire damage so the proc wouldn’t be the best pve wise until later.

Well I sure hope you haven’t seen any Shaman with it, since it’s a sword and Shaman can’t use swords.

Warrior is the go-to because it’s a tank weapon primarily, it increases threat in both single target and AoE scenarios and it’s faster than rogues and warriors want primarily.

You’ll also hear it say

Are we not pure? “No, sir!” Panama’s moody Noriega brags. “It is garbage!” Irony dooms a man—a prisoner up to new era.

Trying to convince me or anyone that is a breathing human being that giving a TF to a pally so he can aoe tank some adds with it over a warrior who will never ever unequip it has got to be one of the most autistic things I’ve ever experienced in all my life


Why is it a waste? And where is this rando warrior coming from? Clearly you’d give one to the MT first. At least you’d offer, although I doubt he’d turn it down, and he’s probably either a raid leader or officer anyway.

It’s clearly designed as a tanking weapon.

So do mage, warlocks, Druids, hunters…if there was only some way to prevent classes from running out of mana…HMMMM.

Huh? Maybe a TINY bit. A prot Paladin is geared in the same way, generally, as a warrior in classic due to the lack of spellpower tank gear (whatever that is). Strength, Stam, defense, hit, etc.

Uh…right. Spells and abilities help with that.

How does no one else know this? Truth has been around forever. Why else would they have changed TF so anyone could use it?

I would think you’d use Sulf due to its big high end damage and 80+dps. If you build it early enough, it’s one of the very few weapons that can do that. The proc is just gravy.

Why u mad? Lose a TF to a pally back in vanilla?

Its a waste because completing a TF is so rare and if you are raiding progression you are not going to have a paladin MT or even an OT because most fights will either last way too long (even with cobsumables) or require a taunt mechanic that paladins simply cannot do. But lets say you do for whatever reason have a consistant pally tank (perhaps you have a spot tank for AoE encounters and trash). Righteous fury only effects the threat multiplier of holy damage, where as defensive stance is a global threat multiplier. You would need an insane proc rate to get anywhere near the benefit a warrior tank does out of each proc (especially if your warrior is maximizing procs with abilities like hamstring).

So your saying that the second thuderfury that drops for your guild should go to your spot paladin tank that will only be able to tank on “some” encounters, rather than your warrior OTs that are going to be tanking on every encounter?

When bosses drop only 2-4 pieces of loot per week and you have 4 tanks to gear (no doubt of which at least 3 are warriors) I would be very surprised if your guild can afford to allocate valuable tank pieces to their spot Paladin tank (especially when you consider that some weeks those OTs will probably have to MT).

Now before you come say this is irrelevant again, i am only saying this in the context of a progression raiding guilds loot system, wherr loot is often allocated without rolls in order to maximize the benefit each drop conteibutes to your raid progression. If you are in a pug or your guild uses a simple roll system by all means roll away. You are correct that it would be an awesome weapon for a Prot paladin. I just dont see any guild having a prot paladin in therr raid during progression because of how woeful they are at tanking raid bosses.

Would you not proc more on hit effects with a paladin ? Thought they had the highest price rate even over hamstring and wingclip spam. So even if it doesnt have bonus threat it would still generate threat at an insane rate

The proc rate difference is no where close to closing the gap between threat multipliers from what i have seen. If someone is happy to provide the math to prove me wrong im happy to change my opinion.

That’s…not a rational reason at all.

Yes. There are some fights with a taunt mechanic. What does that have to do with a tanks MH? Nothing.


You get the same benefit.

I’m saying that outside of maybe the MT, it’s not a even needed. It’s a vanity item.

That has nothing to do with TF.

Each raid for each guild will likely have their own loot system, custom tailored to what they want. Speak for yourself.

(2 / 1.9 [SoR and auto] + 1 / 8 [Judgement]) * 25% [proc rate] = .2944 procs per sec
535 threat st = 157 tps

Prot Warrior
(1 / 1.9) * 25% = .1315 pps
505 threat * 1.495 = 99.3 tps

Fury Warrior 20% crit w/ shield
(1 / 1.9 * 1.18 [average Flurry uptime multiplier] + 1/ 6 [BT]) * 25% = .1969
755 in defensive = 148.7 tps
428 not in defensive = 84.3 tps

Pretty much what I expected. Seeing as they say ret pally uptime on nightfall is superior to hamstring or wingclip spam I figured it would be no different with tf procs.

Due to the speed of Nightfall hamstring/wingclip spam is still superior, but due to the way the buff refreshes the duration you get slightly exaggerated uptime because as a paladin you have 2 attacks happening at the same time. So that even though hunters get 37% more procs they only benefit around 20% more uptime. These are averages based on Pserver math as we don’t know the actual proc rate of Nightfall. Should the proc rate go down, the gap will widen slightly

Please note that your off tanks might not be able to 100% keep up wing clip spam due to glancing blows and having less rage per hit. Private server tests put them roughly 40% behind the paladin, but that is from only 1 source without knowledge of equipment.

A paladin tank will never unequip it either. Apparently you lack insight as to what ASD is too.

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I plan to play a Warrior. Asmongold is a warrior and he’s the best, and he’ll definitely have TF and Sulfuras. I want to be just like him.

Didn’t you just say the same thing about Swifty. Lol not taking the bait. Nice try m8. I’ll just be happy 1 shotting people in PVP with my hand of rag

I would love to get it on my Shaman, but no only am I unwilling to put that much effort into something, I would be like 3rd in my guild to get it. Trying to chase those types of crazy rewards is tempting, but I’d rather set my expectations low and try to make the game about something more achievable. Most people in this thread will never get either of these weapons.