Suggestion: “Journey”/“Hard”/“Hardcore” Leveling Modes

I may get some flak here but, I believe having more game mod options is never a bad thing.

A journey/hard/hardcore mode for leveling would be a neat idea for the folks who might want leveling to be more of a challenge rather than just zipping through it at the rate most folks do atm. (In b4 go play Classic “n00b” comments, I’m aware Classic is somewhat this way). This would bring the focus back on the “journey” again rather than just the endgame. Some ideas off the top of my head would be:

Journey Mode:

  • Increase experience requirements per level or decrease experienced gained from overall (quests/dungeons/battlegrounds etc).

Hard Mode:

  • Increase experience requirements per level or decrease experienced gained from overall (quests/dungeons/battlegrounds etc).

  • Increase damage taken + Decrease damage done (maybe have a debuff on your character that may do this while engaging in enemies with exception of dungeons or engaging in PvP combat).


  • Increase experience requirements per level or decrease experienced gained from overall (quests/dungeons/battlegrounds etc).

  • Increase damage taken + Decrease damage done (maybe have a debuff on your character that may do this while engaging in enemies with exception of dungeons or engaging in PvP combat).

  • Self Explanatory; if your characters dies it’s done honestly surprised this hasn’t been a mode yet. If you want to fullproof this for endgame content, make the hardcore mode only in effect while leveling and go away at max level).

The idea for “journey” mode would be to experience the journey there again from 1-Max. Might not be some people’s cup of tea, but for the people that might enjoy leveling itself while not caring about the end game content would be fun.


Play in white and grey gear. Voilà, hard mode :slight_smile:


Mythic plus - leveling addition. Every time you level to 60… or whatever the end level will be someday… you start over at level 1. However, the catch is that everything is harder THIS time around. Then you get to 60 and it resets yet again, continuing the cycle. Eventually, you can imagine someone running around southern barrens kiting a raptor around dealing with 5 different affixes!!!

P.S. this is sarcasm :slight_smile:

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Ehh even with white/grey gear it’s still really easy.

I think a basic debuff that increased damage taken/decreased damage done would be neat.

Also, that doesn’t fix the experience gains.

I don’t understand the point of comments like these, I mean you think the idea is dumb and that’s totally fine no need to try to be degrading.

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id like a survivor mode.
fatigue, food, water requirements, paying for sleep.


Nah, I was just trying to make a joke. I actually think the idea is interesting.

Ahh my mistake then, yeah I thought so too just seems like there’s a lot they could do with it.

Some people enjoy the journey more rather than the end game as a means to get immersed with the story etc.

As I said earlier, more ways to play the game are always a good thing.

I’ve actually done the iron man challenge or whatever it was back in Warlords of Draenor. I forget the rules that people came up with, but you essentially have a ton of restrictions and you can only stick to questing (no dungeons allowed). The goal is to reach max level with these restrictions and you can even track various things in the achievement log for legitimacy! It was nice to be back out in the world again with a challenge.

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I’ll have to check it out would be fun.

But tbh, even with like whites/grays I feel like the mobs are still just too easy.

Debuff that basically nerfs you till you’re 60 or want to turn it off would be cool (much like the twink option to turn xp off)

What if upon character creation you had to toggle “nightmare mode” when creating them or not and it ended up being totally permanent for that character. Upon logging into this character in nightmare mode, you could only do quests. Dungeons were disabled and the difficulty of the world worked like mythic plus in the sense that there would be affixes and debuffs depending on the zone or something. Upon reaching Max level, you would get an achievement… maybe a mount or cosmetic reward… who knows.

I think it’s neat, though it might be a little too ambitious for Blizzard’s taste atm.



If Season of Mastery had more opt-in difficulty that would be cool.

I think a hardcore SoM mode would be cool. Gaining experience through raid and dungeon content would be cool. Of course, the PVE would be unforgiving.

If some rando can do it blizz should be able to

Would be good for a niche community, but what’s the opportunity cost of making it?

You’re barking up the wrong tree bro.

GD is filled with people who want an ez mode game

Id be down for more game options.

Increase monster damage, one life

All dungeons become terrifying, one wrong pull and its all over…I love it!!!

You could tie achievements to it, transmog, a title for completing all dungeons for that xpac, and a different title for raids.

The casuals could have wow as it is and the “try hards” as so many put it could have HC WoW

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Tbh that’s just how the gaming community is nowadays

Hell they wouldn’t even have to shard you over to another area, run around and see other players but when you use dungeon finder you will only get other hardcore players.

Honestly at first it would boom, then cool off, then people would rage about it being to hard and a dead game mode, but i honestly think more gamers would participate than not.

I freaking LOVE the idea!!! As long as it is optional…Might be nice to have a hardcore server so everyone on that server is in the same boat…

Its not a bad idea, blizz could give you 2 or 3 prompts to make sure you understand. Then away you go to a wow where your death means everything.

After level 30 or so if you die it would be announced over general chat.

The only perk of being dead is seeing other dead players and talking to them