Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

4K views and 1K votes like come on.

It’s usually leveling, but it’s with an asterisk. Because scaling now makes it feel like you don’t get any stronger. Chromie time needs some adjustments to be enjoyable (make it so it doesn’t boot you immediately), and BFA being forced on newbies hasn’t gone great.

It’s really flawed right now but is the center-piece to the MMORPG experience and I usually enjoy leveling with friends.

I enjoy dungeons, but not Mythic+. Honestly feel like Heroic+ fits WoW better. Mythic+ is just Diablo rifts.

I’m retired from raiding.

Have done very little PVP.

I like outdoor content the best. I like world secrets and exploring the world. Finding odd, interesting or weird things.


If outdoor content is popular why can’t it break top 3 at least.

This poll is useless because one person can vote on all their alts.


m+ for sure, its challenging and fun. The best part is it only takes 5 people instead of 20 like mythic raid.

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Hey man I just wanted to say I totally agree I really miss being able to level and enjoy the ‘world’ itself.

Had a suggestion a couple months back:


I hate how many people voted for that mythic+ nonsense

I like questing outdoors but enjoy casual levelling dungeons that’s really been stuffed up now


That would be great. Also the hard mode challenge from Classic would be pretty cool too.

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You hate people having a different opinion of enjoyment? Yikes

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If “hardcore” its an option, Where’s “collecting”?, We’ve a big community drived by cosmetics in general, you don’t need to split it into pets, mounts,toys…etc, just as collecting could work for a gameplay option.


Keys are fun. :dracthyr_love_animated:


I prefer Classic raiding, I actually wish it was much more difficult. Not in the sense of one shot mechanics or anything.

Dragonflight raiding feels like a chore, it’s unfun. After I got AoTC I had not a single interest in logging in. Whereas in Classic, players have the freedom mix/max without restriction and they actively make the decision to want to play.

When I need to farm something on retail I dread it.

When I farm in classic I actually have fun. I honestly think Blizzard needs to give in and return to a more Everquest design which gave people essentially a crack addiction in the early versions of the game.

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herro duckie

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I really liked things like Visions. Why you turned something like that into Torghast and then abandoned it is beyond me.

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Evening, Fridge. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


M+ has twice the % of DF raiding haha, Raid scene needs improvements, Mythic was introduced over 10 years ago…obviously M+ the mode that has more iterations and improvements for a short and rewarding sesion will have better %.

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I picked open world content but I also like M+, or at least I started liking it this expansion

Too bad there wasn’t a multiple choice

gang gang paul pride

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The only reason to do raiding nowadays is Mythic and its participation is stable. Anything under it has dropped a lot. Mythic is not really the problem more than heroic and normal just not being worth to run at all when M+ exist.

They better improve M+ since its the most content that people play