Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

WoW PvP is very interesting to play, but Arenas don’t do it enough justice.

We need more incentives to PvP in all different forms, especially like 5x5 Arenas and Epic BGs.


Pleasently suprised to see dragonflight pvp to have a non-neglible vote. S1 was so deflated i feared the worst

I do KSH and cleared raid on normal. Then i focused on getting rival sets due to FOMO. Barely got it on my 4 chars (all healers) before end of season.

End fomo and give us a BG


Mythic+ is lame…sad that it’s on top


My guildmates and I do a lot of epic bgs. Many of us also love wpvp. WE WANT NEW EPICS! And community tabards and flags. :slight_smile:

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wheres the farming old raids for transmog option

nerf bfa raids


I used to honestly enjoy leveling, sometimes I wish it was possible to go from 1-70 and enjoy all the zones (I understand you can still quest at max level but it’s not the same)

I think WoW would benefit from a “journey” mode I had a post up a couple months ago:

Other than that, I love qing WoW arena, there’s nothing like it!

Solo Shuffle was a good addition to the game however, I believe 2s/3s need some QoL changes what those are I’m not too sure.

A “solo/duo” q for 2s/3s where you get matched up with 1-2 others might really be a good addition to the game.

I think Battlegrounds (Honor Levels) could use more rewards for they haven’t really been updated since Legion tbqh.

SoloQ RBGs might be another fun addition to the game if they’re implemented correctly (not as a separate ladder).

6v6 rbg modes should also be looked into for I believe it has a lot of potential to be enjoyable for the community.


right now timewalking and thats about it.


“nobody cares about pvp” doomsayers in shambles rn lol


Lol the majority do, if the gear sucked I bet half as many people would do it.

Do this again and pop it up for all your players. You’re welcome.



4K views and 1K votes like come on.

It’s usually leveling, but it’s with an asterisk. Because scaling now makes it feel like you don’t get any stronger. Chromie time needs some adjustments to be enjoyable (make it so it doesn’t boot you immediately), and BFA being forced on newbies hasn’t gone great.

It’s really flawed right now but is the center-piece to the MMORPG experience and I usually enjoy leveling with friends.

I enjoy dungeons, but not Mythic+. Honestly feel like Heroic+ fits WoW better. Mythic+ is just Diablo rifts.

I’m retired from raiding.

Have done very little PVP.

I like outdoor content the best. I like world secrets and exploring the world. Finding odd, interesting or weird things.


If outdoor content is popular why can’t it break top 3 at least.

This poll is useless because one person can vote on all their alts.


m+ for sure, its challenging and fun. The best part is it only takes 5 people instead of 20 like mythic raid.

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Hey man I just wanted to say I totally agree I really miss being able to level and enjoy the ‘world’ itself.

Had a suggestion a couple months back:


I hate how many people voted for that mythic+ nonsense

I like questing outdoors but enjoy casual levelling dungeons that’s really been stuffed up now


That would be great. Also the hard mode challenge from Classic would be pretty cool too.

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You hate people having a different opinion of enjoyment? Yikes

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If “hardcore” its an option, Where’s “collecting”?, We’ve a big community drived by cosmetics in general, you don’t need to split it into pets, mounts,toys…etc, just as collecting could work for a gameplay option.