Same issue as OP, but I’m seeing ppl on my bnet get in just fine. I restarted. Repair and Scan. Removed my interface file and cleaned out my WTF folder. No good results lol…
This has happened the last 3 days and resolved after about half hour, but no one has given an explanation about the cause.
I just got in.
Well I got past the “Retrieving Realm List” message only to be greeted by a list of servers showing that I have 0 characters in any realm instead of the 60+ I actually have.
Clicking on one of my servers to see if it would populate itself just hangs on another endless loop.
I was able to finally see my characters but it get’s to 75% loading and just hangs.
this worked for me; exit game AND client.
i can login to the character and access the AH.
initially i was able to login but had a message when accessing the AH. logged out and then couldn’t login (stuck).
not sure if a coincidence or a fix.
UPDATE: Just got in. Took about an hour from first experiencing the issue. Annoying :\
I’m in now
Update. I just got in. Not sure if it was removing my addons or not lol
Update: now my character is stuck in that void logout thing where the system still thinks he’s active when he’s not…
I was having issues logging out to change toons, too. Restarting the client has seemed to work.
UPDATE 2: Logged in but game is completely broken/unplayable. Only thing that works is chat. All addons disabled, internet connection is fine.
UPDATE 3: Back to not being able to retrieve character. Received WOW51900325 error message. Repaired client, updated all addons/disabled all addons. Game not working.
UPDATE 4: New campaign quests are absolutely crashing my game. Inside the transformatory - immediate game crash. Cannot log back in. Game has been broken all day.
Was flying and got disconnected. Can’t get back. When I can finally return, I will probably be splattered all over the ground somewhere.
Just so you are aware, @Vrakthris, I was able to get to my character list and am sitting on my character on the Realm - Sen’jin.
Login attempt being made…
Okay, @Vrakthris, I was able to get into my Panda on Sen’jin, she is currently out at Pandaria > Vale of Eternal Blossoms > Shrine of Seven Stars at the Emperor’s Step, just hanging there at the moment.
The problem seems to be more than just logging in. There’s just general lag all around. Can’t log out or exit game. Can remove things from the bank. That sort of thing.
I can’t log in with any character. The bar gets to 90% and it disconnects me.
I can see the realms, its not showing any of my characters at all.
Doesn’t work