Stuck at retrieving realm list screen

Is anyone else unable to log in?


Ditto, stuck on retrieving realm list

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Yep. Stuck at the realm screen. Again. It’s 2 pm, this can’t be blamed on server overload anymore.

Stuck on retrieving realm list. I managed to make it to a load screen twice but dc’ed both times.

stuck on the same screen, nice maintence blizzard.

yes… and first was sent to the realm select screen and it acted like it’d never played on the server i have always been on. whaaat the heck

Me too. Can’t login.

Same here i got to see the retrieving character list once.

Same can’t log in and no characters are showing

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Is there a better place to see “realm status” than the place I see when I google “wow realm status” because that only shows outages about 1/3 of the time I’ve checked and the link to “service status forum” is actually a broken link and redirects us to the general forums page.

I was playing, Flight path Gryphon got stuck on a stalagmite for a second and then when i landed got DC’d. Trying to log back in and now stuck on Retrieving Realm list

Same, stuck at loading in =[

same problem

Exit all the way out and close the launcher; seems to have worked for me


same problem

Same as the last two days. Some people can play some can’t. It’s getting a tad annoying now.

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tried it and it worked. Thank you

20 or 30 minutes ago, I logged in briefly and it was very sluggish at that point and after, so something’s a bit off somewhere.

Currently the launcher says looking into issues with AH & crafting. Hopefully it’s all one thing somewhere showing things down that they can reboot and clear it up.

not able to get any of my characters to load to select on any server to log in… blizz why say the game is up if it is not??

Closed WoW and BNET launcher and is now working for me

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