Stuck at retrieving realm list screen

same here.

Apperantly, all my characters doesn’t exist now :eyes:

Same here. Nothing is working and when I did get in none of my characters existed.

Also stuck on retrieving realm list. I shouldn’t have logged out :frowning:

So, some advice for anyone having lag issues, I did a few things to help with this.

  1. Turned OFF dragon flight flying, so I’m back to old-school flight. Sometimes even resulting to just using a ground mount (I know, the horror of that thought!) lol.
  2. Went into my graphics setting and cranked my Graphics Quality bar all the way down to 3, made sure “extra cool” stuff was all shut down or turned WAY down.
  3. Left any location that would be deemed ‘densely populated’ and have stayed away from the cities or major areas.
  4. Do NOT go into dungeons or raids, nothing like this as it seems to not appreciate that too much.

Doing all of this helped me a TON. Zero lag so far
 at least, not out in Pandaria.

Dear Blizzard,

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

  • Roy

Nah the hamsters havent had there 2nd breakfeast yet.

Sorry, can’t resist.

Sorry, ran out of Potato’s


Any chance we can get an update?

The SFA’s will know the same thing we all know. And still no ETA at the moment.

Sorry folks, I don’t really have much other than they are working on it.


I did get in once and played for a bit. I had to log out, and “exit” or “log out” took about a minute to respond.

Now I’m trying to get back in and I have the no characters in any server issue again.

If I said the devs need a payrise, would they work faster? :joy:

Just kidding.

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I found a Fix
no joke
run another MMO while it rotates and it forces it through. Did my casino stuff on the other game then poof it came back up

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Unironically I can confirm opening another game worked for me. I opened a single player game (Cat Quest III), and magically, the next time I tried to login into WoW, it connected.

I managed to log in after 5 or 6 attempts. But the lag is so bad that the game is unplayable.

Been going on days before global launch. Extended maintenance today and still can’t get it fixed. I get its launch week and there’s always issues, but not being able to play for hours at a time is ridiculous. Should be another day game token in our future if this keeps up. I don’t pay a monthly sub to just sit here waiting to be able to play the game I pay not only for the expac but also game time to be able to play said game.

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extreme lag keeps freezing after quests and other things cannot log out to try to reset. now cannot login, once i finally do, it cannot see my characters on any realms and then when i pick realm freezes

Having the same issue now too, Can’t log in. Some info would be nice, seems like a DDoS, wouldn’t be surprised, but would be nice for some feedback from admins

i cant loging into serv still loading and no contect