Streaming world of warcraft twitch issue with reporting

It’s all about luck. Look at miss Hawk Tau, she said one thing and now she has thousands of followers. People envy the lucky and horde around them hoping it rubs off of them too. But the fact is it’s all luck. MrBeast could promote your Youtube channel and suddenly you’re a big shot too. But once that moment passes what is really left? They’re all just the same copycat narcissistic streamerperson trying to act likable and popular whilst providing nothing unique to the scene.

I am sorry Faiwybeawy, but advertising any external site is against the rules both on the forums and in-game. It does not matter if it is your Twitch, T-shirts, or girl scout cookies. We are not allowed to use Blizzard’s platforms for advertising and promotion or outside sites, goods, or services.

You will need to stop advertising your Twitch Stream. People are correct to report it and you will get penalized for it eventually.

Here is a thread from earlier this year where a poster asked about the penalties for advertising their stream.

BLUE reply which points out that the Code of Conduct does not allow advertising, but the OP wanted the EULA section too.

And another clearing up what the poster was suspended for:

Continuing the discussion from Blizzard allowing griefing through report system:


so by the definition you’ve provide
ANY external site link can be reported as advertisement?

Yes. Any external site can be reported as advertisement. Do not advertise or promote ANY external site on Blizzard’s platforms. That means in-game or on the forums.

You are free to chat with friends, share links with friends privately, put your discord in your guild info, etc.

You can’t use anything else to promote external sites though.

Does that mean I am at risk for sending people to WoWHead in Newcomer chat? Gotta think that would be allowed, with what Vrakthris said.

no you can do that it would fall under the helping stuff

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Loving the Mog and the name, btw. Mandolorian culture is the most interesting in all of Star Wars.

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i know and ty btw this toon was a tauren lol helm mogs runed it for me lol

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Only if it is in an organically generated chat conversation. Someone can’t just start making videos and linking them in chat, even if helpful unless someone asks. Otherwise it is still promoting their Youtube.

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That is perfectly fine and welcome! Thank you for helping new folks :slight_smile:

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i just say youtube or wowhead due to stuff changes all the time better than me trying to explain everything

Oh certainly. Those are organic conversations though where someone asks a question, and the best answer is a link to a guide. That happens a ton here on the forums and is quite welcome. What is not welcome are people making threads to promote their channels. I am quite sure you already know that, but just making sure it is all in one place for others who come across the thread.

I don’t agree with OP at all. Posting links to your twitch in group finder is attention grabby and says “Hey look I’m a streamer, you should watch me and blahdeeebladeeblahblah”.

When I’m looking for a genuine group, I’m not looking for someone to advertise themselves.

This feels completely backwards.

What value is there to me (or anyone looking for a group) to see that one of my group members is a streamer/is live now?

If you want to provide casual/beginner runs, you can do that without advertising your channel. I don’t care if the casual run I sign up for is led by a streamer/content creator.

If I suddenly decide “It sure would be nice to find a community of like minded folks who could help me improve.”, I would go to Discord, Twitch, YouTube, etc. and look for that community. And if I’ve already found the community outside the game…then the advertising in the game still has no benefit to me because I’ve already found you and hopefully become friends. I just need an invite - no Group Finder required.

You could also be using the in-game Communities feature to facilitate this. Or a guild.

Placing your stream handle/URL in a Group Finder title or description is not helping others - it’s advertising to get more views.