Streaming world of warcraft twitch issue with reporting

You are quoting Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus. A roman general. Not a philosopher. It is a version of the “Might makes right” mentality, and I would highly urge anyone to stay away from that mentality.

No, “might” doesn’t make you right.

This is not a political science forum so I am not going to engage with you. I have better things to do than to deal with someone like you.

Have a … won’t say good, so… have a day.

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If you wish, to be frank I do not claim to be anything resembling a moral authority nor claim to even be morally right, yet you can read from the reactions that the sentiment is shared.

What can be tolerated has been so utterly abused that its hit the point very,very little will be tolerated. Rather then scold me take my words as warning. My ideas are not decried but rather cheered. Its a dark sign of the times. The fact you can offer no true rebuttal to me means it resonates with you as well.

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Is there a particular reason you just didn’t ask in the Customer Support forum if this was allowed? Vrak or Orlyia would have answered you on policy.


Stop advertising on Blizzards platform trying to get popular, just stream it.


Yes it is. I felt physical pain seeing people advertise their garbage twitch streams.


hoold on let me stab you with my garbage twitch link with no viewers I’m not forcing you to watch

and just the same as the physical pain I felt from reading this comment. I DIDN’T HAVE TO READ IT

Horrible streams hurt my soul.

You have hurt me, deeply.

critical hit?
hold on lemme get the d20 and roll WITH ADVANTAGE

Better than streaming, that’s for sure lol.

streaming is a wonderful way to feel like you’re doing something without actually feeling like to need to something. it’s something that’s not for everyone for sure.

but if it’s not DIRECTLY affecting you or causing direct issues for you OR your gameplay. it’s not worth sticking your nose in

if you don’t like streaming? don’t watch it
don’t like doing m+? don’t do it
don’t like raiding? don’t do it
don’t like lfg? don’t use it
they literally made an aspect of the game completely solo player friendly for people who don’t like other people

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True but the lines get blurred when you start advertising your trash in game lol.

so don’t log into the game, and people won’t call you trash EZ

I mean you should probably follow your own advice lol.

but I make a living by being a garbage can
not a garbage cannot

and rn you are being a garbage cannot :slight_smile:

If you have to advertise in game, you aren’t making a living either way lol.


the point. I"m not. and I don’t care about that

but I"m making friends and thats the most importaNT PART

You can do that without a stream.

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so can you, but here we are.

on a forum,
and still not out in the world making friends

which, if you’re here: clearly don’t have many that keep you close

I have friends, I just didn’t need to advertise a stream in game to pretend to have any lol.

what are you doing? :s