Stop with all the layering, it's ruining the game

Layering does make the questing zones a bit more sparse, but I love not having to fight for every single quest mob/item while still having a server population that allows me to get into a dungeon in pretty short order.

Just get a layer hop to Layer 1 or 2 if you’re on Layer 9 and missing seeing people.


Really wish Blizzard would just implement a layer jumping tool directly into the game. At this point, it feels necessary.

I get we can bootleg it, but why make us? Just let us choose the saturation of players.


Meanwhile I’ve been having a blast actually leveling without like 10+ people fighting in the same area, just more like 2 or 3.

I don’t mind this layering. They can just disable layers inside Capitals if people feel that lonely.

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I agree, make it like launch where theres 5 people camping every single mob spawn, and 100 people camping named quest mobs.

Yes thats the game. It was awesome.

Unfortunately layering is necessary, the game engine is too old for today’s demand.

I suggest you read the post about layering made by a Blizzard employee a couple of days ago, this should clear some of the conspiracy theories.

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It actually was. I unironically agree.

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We already know how that story ends though. We don’t want to repeat it. It’s not fun to not be able to play because your server hardly has any players or because it has too many and there’s a login queue.

Modern server systems are 1000x better than what we experienced in vanilla WoW. We got to see how bad vanilla servers still were in New World somewhat recently since Amazon made the huge mistake of repeating what had already proven to be a terrible system over many years by multiple games.

People unable to play with friends.

People demanding free transfers.

People hoping for mergers for months.

Many hours wasted in queues.

Oldschool servers are trash.


They’re not using the 1.12 client. They’re using Retail’s client…modified. And it’s not built to handle that load. That’s the problem. The modern game is built to be segmented, phased, sharded, etc etc. But the old game didn’t work that way. So we’ve actually got newer technology that performs worse.

You can go look at a video of Nostalrius closing down and see tens of thousands of characters crammed into one area and the game runs fine. To say it can’t be done is simply wrong.

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A private server cramming thousands of people into one space because they have no quality standards doesn’t mean we want to see it on official Blizzard servers.

If all those people were engaged in combat I imagine the server would have exploded, though it makes sense that vanilla could handle a bit more in one area than modern WoW since we’re talking about a game with a lot less happening in intervals. We didn’t have haste or as many HoTs and DoTs (which tick faster in modern WoW) or as many abilities off the GCD. SoD is somewhere in the middle.

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I played on Nost and the game was extremely laggy during peak time. Game was also super laggy back in original vanilla and server caps were much lower so I doubt there’s a solution tbh, it’s an old game, retail is still the old engine with an old infrastructure, they just build on top of it.

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Layering is bad and always will be. What we need is seperation of servers that players want layers on and servers players dont want layers on.

A forced high-med-low pop server where you pick if you want to play heavy layered or no layers. Like pvp or pve.
I of course will be on my mega server. The only one thatll matter


Delete layering on all servers with <5k per side. Those are the numbers we had in Classic, and we had zero layering after week 1.

Stop making megaservers for Classic Vanilla based content, we hate it.


You doomsayers are hella annoying, and were what ruined servers from TBC onward. “Dead” does not mean < 10k players. Servers are doing fantastic with 3k across both factions right now.

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Please support my thread about this on the Classic Hardcore forums. While this may degrade your experience on SoD, it becomes completely game-ending on Hardcore. Thank you.

Like the free-to-play Starwars mmo has? Screenshot here: Address Layers Please

It defaults your to your party or guild’s layer too.

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No. YOU hate it. I dont. I will not play any server that isnt a mega server

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Why? Megaservers are complete garbage and full of garbage.


(I only “like’d” his post because I thought he was being sarcastic)

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Seriously. Offer one server clearly labeled ‘No layers’ and I’d jump all over it.