Stop with all the layering, it's ruining the game

Because they make the game feel alive ok.

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This was super insightful! Thanks for sharing

Layers help with server stability. If you don’t work in game development or with servers in general, be quiet. Layering is often times a temporary solution often used around the start of a patch or “Phase” and even when a new version of the game launches so that the servers don’t do a swan dive into the ground.

Layering is also good for overall game experience as there isn’t 200 players in the same area slaughtering every mob in sight preventing people from completing quests. Just because you don’t like Layering doesn’t mean it’s “stupid”. Layering has yet to kill the game and to claim otherwise is just asinine.

You’re out of your mind. Megaservers are layered to hell and make the world less alive than a server with 1k players per side and no layers.


We had zero layers in Classic on Grobb and that had higher pop than CB and LL combined. This is not a compute limitation, and if it is, add a queue. Buyer beware for rolling a server that says “FULL”.


Yeah, bring back no layers on rp servers please


I played on nost, which had 10k players and the server felt epic and alive. Seeing 3 people in stormwind does not feel epic, alive, or fun…


There was bad lag in stv so their solution was to make the game feel dead. Now stv has 1 or 2 groups griefing the couple of people they can find going solo. Not to mention in cities it feels like there’s only 5 people playing. Layers completely ruin classic and the idea of servers anyway. Whatever layer you’re currently on is your server. Having people popping in and out of existence in an open world is insanity. I honestly hope blizzard goes bankrupt and we can all just find something better to do.

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A temp solution? About as temporary as when they said taxes were a temporary solution. Are you a blizzard developer? Because you’re just as delusional. Everyone here saying they hate it and you have the nerve to tell them they’re wrong. DoYoUnOtHaVePhOnEs?


Layers arent perfect but the game would be unplayable with zero layers.

Get rid of the layering. I want to see people while leveling.

(lessen the amount of layers)

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Total nonsense. They can easily achieve this. They just don’t care enough to do it. There is no valid excuse or justification no matter how hard you try to simp for the multi billion dollar corporation. A few guys in their basement living off donations can manage a server better with no layers and hardly any lag. It’s pathetic. Lights hope was great.


But you’re not playing a mega server if you’re on a layer with 5 people on it. Servers are irrelevant with layers the way they are.

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The only issue I have with layering is when people in my own group are stuck on different layers. That is completely ridiculous.

Twice in STV today my 5 man group was on 3 separate layers at all times. We spent the entire time leaving group, logging out, etc and could never end up on the same layer together. It’s just stupid.

If players are in a group or raid, they should be on the same layer. Period. No exceptions.

It’s a seasonal server so who cares?

Today was in a group fighting elite mobs, cleared room. Me and another dps randomly got layered into same room filled with mobs an proceeded to die. You can’t convince me layers are good for any game let alone classic.

So you dislike layers then

We played just fine in Classic with zero layering

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Then add more servers. Not layers. The fact that any server needs to have layers proves that there are so many people on that server that they have to find a way to stop them all from getting in the way of other people…oh and this is the biggest, BIGGEST irony I have ever seen on these forums, ever…same group of people called me a forum troll when I said I did not like the layers as Glinda, Cauchy, Asma, Apathy all said I was trolling and lying about the layers and that layers did not exist and they all got massive likes… so…now they DO exist? What happened? My god you people suck. Really want to come out me when I said I didn’t like them and wanted this problem fixed, was called a troll by those who I named and yet now you people are saying exactly what I said and are not trolling? So. Do layers exist or don’t they? They only do when it benefits the trolls I guess. Oh and by the way. We only have 3 active layers right now.

yep. amazing how dedicated people who actually care can do a better job than Blizzard, time and time again.