Feels like a dead game now with all the layering…
It feels real bad when you are the minority faction and there are too many layers due to the dominant faction.
layering feels bad always.
never have I been happy there are layers.
megaservers are trash
100%. I’ve tried several times to get back into SoD…but I can’t. I hate megaservers and I hate layers. I was in Orgrimmar last week on Lava Lash, used /who to see there was a good 100 players in the city. I look around and see 3 or 4 people. Layers are the most anti-Vanilla ‘feature’ that exists. It’s a lazy cop-out to appease Retail players who can’t handle actually playing a massively multiplayer game. And/or the Blizzard servers suck.
Layers should be the last option but it seems Blizzard is layering when they dont need to be
It’s either layers or dozens of servers where more than half end up dead because there’s not enough players and a few have multi-hour long login queues because way too many people are trying to play on them and they’re not going to let multiple layers worth of people all clog-up a single instance of the world.
Also, it becomes an even worse nightmare for people who have multiple friend groups spread on so many servers. It’s annoying still with just SoD number of servers since we can’t have cross-server grouping in classic without making the cultists ragequit.
…or, just increase the spawn rates of mobs so you don’t have 20+ people in one small area all standing around waiting for respawns
I can finally level my alt via questing. Not fighting 100 people in stv killing the 3 tigers spawning every 2 minutes.
Sure is a little bit empty, but I can also farm on my main. I was in Tanaris this morning skinning the turtles and was only there with 2 hunters. We shared the mobs, everyone got some scales, we all happy.
I’d rather be on a layer with a bit less population personally. On release it was just impossible to have fun outside.
But we each have different opinions.
last stv event I did had 50+ people killing each other at the ghost.
this last one I did only had 2 5 mans killing each other lol.
They need to do that anyway even with layers. Some quest mobs still have multi-minute respawn timers. Techbot for example.
Without layering though you’d end up having to hyperspawn absolutely everything and I don’t think people would enjoy it in a lot of places.
easy, i’ll take the normal size servers every single day.
see, lots of people think this, but it’s simply not true.
you have normal sized servers instead of these insanely bloated ones, there arent’ going to be 1000 people waiting.
How you treat others suddenly matters again too, as you can actually get a bad reputation and people won’t want to group with you, with mega servers everyone abuses each other to the extreme knowing there is an infinite amount of people to abuse.
As in HC we have 3 active layers there that I have encountered. Some people say there are 4 total. No worse feeling in HC then clearing a bunch of content while in a group, leaving the group and finding out that you popped into a random layer where all the NPCs are still there so you end up dying facing them all alone.
3 layers per server actually means that Blizzard should have 3x as many servers for HC.
They should have 6 HC servers total and add in realm wide CRZ.
Then your tiny boutique server dies and you have to hand blizzard a bunch of money to transfer to the Meta server.
see here’s the other thing people don’t realize, you shouldn’t ever need to pay to transfer server
Yes just the other day I purposely got myself on Layer 1 so I could walk around a totally dead world for the immersion.
Sure they could increase spawn rates because everything wouldn’t still be dead… Or less layer moar servers because we haven’t done that before. It’s like people have no historical memory or simply like to troll various subjects.
Agreed. Every zone feels dead now…
Oh my god get over yourself. I didn’t realize that servers crashing because of overload and waiting for 2 hours to log in on launch day was a feature and not a design failure. Stop blaming the payers as if they personally designed these things.
Amen layers should NEVER even be considered for an MMORPG.
NOT AN OPTION. I dont care about the stupid arguments people make for them.
Game-killing garbage is what layers are. And people who intentionally layer hop should all be perma banned.
I was honestly wondering what happened. Been enjoying mob camps all to myself, grinded out Worgens to 30 on my Druid last night in Dukswood without seeing a single other soul. Highly unusual.
Yeah, something is off about the layering.