Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

I’m still so sorry that you’re bothered by people getting gear 4 months after a raid releases.

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Classic WoW releases on August 27th!


I think what I hate most about people is when they’re this blatantly stupid and he fits the mold. Firstly he showed us he’s a conspiracy theorist, then he sits there and edits the same post for like an hr after saying he’s had enough basically. Then he’s back again for some more and doesn’t even read or understand what has been discussed this entire time. This type of thing irritates me the most and it should make you think that there are people out there like this that drive. He probably blocks the shopping isle with his cart, doesn’t turn right on red, doesn’t pull off to the side of the road when turning off but instead makes everyone stop on a 45+ mph road, I could go on and on.

Don’t be sorry for me, be sorry that you can’t have a discussion without attempting to belittle someone.


Quit belittling everyone else who plays the game because you’re mad that you don’t have a better score than all those ‘casuals’.

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The mentality of the old timers has changed quite a lot over the years and the new generation is full of spoiled/entitled kids that expect to get a reward for logging in for the week. As far as community building in classic it won’t be anywhere near where it was in vanilla when the attitude of people was vastly different than it is today.
But that won’t be an issue in my opinion as I see most of the casual player base quitting within a few months due to it being too difficult whether that’s the start or end game experience that does it I can’t wait to see if I’m right.

But by no means am I trying to deter anyone from trying it but I’ve already seen tons of posts of players that were complaining about it already that it was too slow/difficult or what have you. Also those people that complain about it being difficult to gear in bfa are also going to have a hard time adjusting to classic if they attempt it.

expecting to get meaningful loot for 35 minutes of gameplay.

Better score? What do you mean? You mean ilevel? I have 415, it’s not even about that re-read the thread derpy.

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“You dang whippersnappers I had to walk to scholl uphill both ways!” Quit harping on about kids when you were probably born in the 90s.

That complaint is due to gearing being RNG focused. It is no better in dungeons or raids.

“People shouldn’t get gear or play catchup or prepare for the new patch because it makes me feel bad that you aren’t playing the game my way!”

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I just find it entertaining and I’m going to enjoy the hell out of classic, going to corpse camp noobs all day long. Days of roguecraft here we come.
But it does seem like you haven’t been reading the posts throughout this thread like that other conspiracy theorist guy, at least that’s what I’m noticing when reading your back and forth between kydrav.

This is sad but i see it all the time too even though i don’t raid anymore and haven’t really since vanilla. Usually i find helping people to understand that using ALL of their abilities and when to use them is important.

They aren’t throwing the same Ilvl gear and the real reward should be from completing leading edge content with a group of friends and like minded people when others can’t or won’t for whatever reason. I always tell people if you are only raiding for the loot pinata that gets old fast when you have wiped 40 times on the same boss and are trying to get the mechanics/positioning down.

You and i will disagree with this, from my standpoint Gear is PARAMOUNT to raiding. Yes there is always a gear check boss and that just takes time and usually some tank and spank to beat. But at the end of the day what gear REALLY provides is a margin of error, once the raid has collectively enough gear and it’s margin of possible error grows then the possibility of failure recedes and that is the importance of gear for raiding.

There will always be gear and loot rewards for the reasons i outlined above and of course because people want the phat lootz. It is a necessary part of the game, even if people didn’t want the gear they would need it for that margin of error and progressing, so that is a non-point from where i stand.

Again for the achievement of beating the raid/bosses on cutting edge raids and difficulty with a group of friends. It should at the very least be a fun rewarding social experience as well as provide the phat loots in the loot pinata.

l usually don’t really laugh when I type lol, I did this time.


I’ve made roughly 800k since I started posting in here lol.

But yeah gear doesn’t matter as much as it did back in vanilla and my evidence of that is mythic raid guilds in the higher % clearing raids with minimal gear, the only thing is they funnel gear to specific roles in their raid and their entire roster is geared faster than a raid only doing one lockout a week.
The ONLY time gear is necessary in order to beat a boss entirely depends on the group and the dps check if there is one, if there’s enough consecutive screw ups in the raid or not enough damage to clear a dps check then yeah it matters and yes all it does is give you a margin for error. But exactly what you said “margin for error”, if they already had enough damage to beat the dps check before hand all they’re gaining is seconds on what they were already working with to beat a dps check.

To be honest I don’t care for achievements, so what else is there other than loot/mounts. The titles mean nothing to me, you could’ve had titanslayer which you can still get by the way but who’s going to bother armorying someone for that and looking at the date they got it.
Same goes for ghuun, titles/achievements mean less anymore as the only thing you use them for is oh look I killed heroic so and so invite me to group. But there are plenty of people that paid/bought their kills so you never actually know who legit earned their kill until you play with them.

Real hardcore players don’t care what gear casuals get. Real hardcore players only care about two thing, downing difficult content before everyone else and getting a full set of BIS gear. Real hardcore players in farm mode right now and don’t give a crap about any catch up gameplay. Real hardcore players are planing for the 8.2 raids and possible Classic raiding. Real hardcore players don’t go on the forums crying about casuals.

There shouldn’t even be a chance to get gear from WQs that allow you to skip end game content.

Your reading comprehension is awful that or you skimmed and didn’t read my posts at all. I’m all for catch up, but it should be for normal raids/m0/pvp entry not to skip tiers of content.

Oh stop, that’s not even remotely true and you know it. I’ve known plenty of “hardcore” players quit because the game doesn’t feel rewarding period.

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The problem is that the gear rewards from raiding are poor. The number of items is low and it takes a long time to get the pieces you need. This is fine, because that’s the way that WoW has always been. The problem is that Blizzard has been juicing up other modes of play to be superior to raiding, so that raiders, now, in addition to raiding, need to do all that other content as well in order to gear for raiding.

Take Mythic+ for example. The amount of gear you get for M+, based on time spent, is far superior to what you get for raiding, when you consider the hundreds of wipes that go into learning and beating a Mythic raid boss. And M+ is endlessly repeatable, whereas raiding is still held to the 15-year-old lockout system.

I get that Blizzard wants to add more stuff to do, but the problem is that the burden of doing them falls disproportionately on raiders, who are the ones in danger of burnout as a result. And I know people like to say “well then don’t do it” but the reality is that Blizzard (after Emerald Nightmare) is designing the raid encounters assuming people ARE doing it.

I get why people don’t want the rewards of M+ and WQ’s to be reduced. But Blizzard absolutely needs to increase the rewards from raiding itself. TRIPLING the number of drops would be a good start (but still make raiding inferior to M+, which is just crazy).

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They don’t sound very hardcore if they quit. i.e. They were never hardcore players.

Real hardcore players live in their moms basements and play 6-7 days a week 8 hrs a day. I’ve been in multiple top 50 guilds, it’s not worth the time/effort.

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They quit because the game doesn’t feel rewarding, why play something that doesn’t feel like you’re progressing?

This game is so fin boring right now if I wasn’t good at making gold I wouldn’t log in although I don’t have any other options atm for games as they’ve all been crap for years now.

Hardcore players don’t quit. Only wantabe quit.