Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

Then why are you whining? You are obsessed with the idea that casuals need to be forced into a guild and forced to raid with people like you.

That’s dreck. If you were any good you wouldn’t have to be whining here about casuals needing big nerfs and you getting lots more free stuff.

End game raiders play 6 hours a week. They brag about this all the time. For that they deserve more stuff?

That’s not even english, what?

It’s moreso about people trying to play an MMORPG and demanding it to be catered to them as a solo player who feels like they should have good gear just because they pay $15 a month. At least that’s my PoV.

MMORPGs are not meant to be played without having to interact with the player base and work with others to complete tasks, if you want that go play Diablo 3.

WQs should be prepping for end game, not the actual end game itself. If they’re YOUR PERSONAL end game you shouldn’t expect to get anything above normal raid ilevel gear, that’s how it should work.

Let me stop you right there, I didn’t realize I was arguing with a middle schooler. Have a good day kiddo.


It means the old content is old so no retail won’t be taken over my Classic not everybody that plays WoW is a grandpa and will stick to retail enjoy.

That first part was a hypothetical, If everyone started at ilvl 400 and they were ready ready to clear mythic at that ilvl, the same people that weren’t clearing it before aren’t going to clear it now. Either because they don’t or won’t put in the time, or don’t have the skill/experience.

Pugging today is a nightmare, people still don’t know what taunt/interrupts are. People still get hit by the most obvious mechanics. This is to be expected but to assume just because you have the same gear as a mythic raider doesn’t mean you’ll be as good as one.
The only bad thing about throwing gear out at people is that it makes it less of a reward and that’s the only reward for doing mythic content. If you take that away it’s achievements which I really couldn’t care less about. Achievements get you in the door, gear/skill/experience keeps you in the raid.

As far as the people clearing at their own pace, you can do that as it sits. But heroic raiders will always be heroic raiders until they’re able to put in the hours and improve themselves.
Also for raiding with friends and such, I don’t mind that but the majority of guilds I’ve pugged with that are al real life friends/buddies or what ever aren’t exactly that great and I don’t see them ever clearing mythic content.
Just because my brother plays wow doesn’t mean I’d want to play with him, he’s garbage at games and if I want to be competitive, carrying someone else on my hip isn’t going to help me.

For the last part, have you tried pugging? let along being in a casual guild, they’re roughly the same. I’d get so bored and annoyed because the majority of casuals that are still progressing heroic are really bad when it comes to playing their class or mechanics.
I’m not saying that’s a bad thing but that’s just it, they’re a casual player, they don’t have the hardcore mentality nor the experience or time to put into getting better.

Gear matters very little in raid content, the only time you ever need gear is when there’s a dps check on boss fights like krosus or w/e from nighthold. There are some dps checks in bod and such also but that ones more obvious, if you don’t do a certain amount of damage in this timeframe you fall to your death.

But other than progressing mythic as a hardcore raider, getting achievements for killing a boss, what if there was no gear/loot reward. Why would you bother? If you want a challenge just do a 20+ key and waste your time farming raiderio score.

Sounds like 8.2 is allowing progression from world content. I like it. It keeps people playing especially us casuals.

Seems pretty obvious there is a metric for time played. This definitely keeps it chugging along.

In turn, it validates future content patches, expansions etc.

Gear earned from casual content will never meet or exceed the more difficult content. It never has and never will. I have 8 characters at 120. The most 3 recent still sit in the 380s and it’s been a few months. There hasn’t been a nonAzerite gear emissary in almost 2 weeks and it’s been awhile for the one before that.

Players are failing to mention how long it takes to acquire gear when only doing world content. I challenge anyone to try and really document it. I’ll come back with my results. I have been doing all emissaries every day except for 2 weeks in Nov when on vacation.

Where the fast gear is coming from is Mythic+ and the cache.

The argument against accumulation of gear in world content is a weak one. Even trying to equate it to how the real world works show how ignorant the poster is. Really what it comes down to is a misdirection of blame and envy


I am fine with World content having good gear.
But then each content must have different advantages on gear.

Right now we can see that raids are going to have effect on some of the gear they drop, which makes them pretty attractive over the gear we get here doing world content.

World content isn’t even content to me, if you want to play solo go play darksouls or something. You should be getting into mythic + and raids the closer you get to ilvl 400, there’s lfr/norm/heroic and mythic.

I’ve said this before but in legion my main was fully mythic geared, leveled an alt which took me like 8 hrs ish from 1-120. I geared it in normal/heroic raids and mythic + dungeons. I had only geared it for 3 weeks and it outgeared my main by like 3 ilvls and it was out dpsing my main far before he surpassed his ilvl. I only played it for a month in total.
It is an absolute joke to gear right now, but it seems like most of you are deluded into thinking all you need to do is world quests.

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You’re 402 without ever stepping into a heroic raid, m10, or 1800+ PvP. That speaks volumes you literally skipped 3 raid tiers, m0-10, and 1400-2099 rated PvP just from Warfronts and WQs. That should not be a thing.


Waiting on the comment about me wanting casual players to join me in dungeons/raids. I don’t care if you do or not, but complaining you aren’t getting enough rewards, you have to be joking. That’s how the game is set up and it’s changed slightly over the years but it goes like this.

Quests gear
Crafted gear
Dungeons mythic+
Raids heroic/mythic

I didn’t add warfront crap or w/e else there is.

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Yes it does… alot of days i make $1000 or more. My workers make $20/hr and they are happy, they work hard and i pay them. They don’t cry about me making more than them as i sit at my desk…and if they did they can go find another job.

So… ya the arguement of a guy working 1 hr to make one hundred or 8 hours to make one hundred. Whos fault is that?.. and should we take it away from the guy that is obviously intellectually superior? It is noones fault but their own they only make $20 per hour and they insist on doing that route to gain finances.

Now $20/hr i can see… but selling runs in a video game for income? That is really sad and pathetic.

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You’re an idiot, you don’t even understand what you copy pasted. Go back to being a crazy conspiracy theorist it was more entertaining than talking to a moron. I thought you ignored/reported me, do you need help to find that button?

In case anyone needs… there is a post here for help for trolling and addictive behaviour regarding being a troll / baiter.

I also suggest counselling if you truly are addicted to video games to the point of being jealous over what pixels other players receive. There is help out there. Good luck.

This is your reasoning? Do you think about what you type, even for a fast moment?

Perhaps it’s not just the content offered classic, perhaps it’s got to do with an actual challenge, a real community, the feeling of accomplishment, and not having everything handed to you.

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Nothing to do with jealousy, you saying that just proves you didn’t read anything that was said in this thread.

I got all of those lore bosses downed that i cared about downing you speak of when i beat all the troll raid bosses and dungeons your reaching here and you don’t know i did all that in the past because achievements didn’t even exist back then. I lived vanilla i raided 40mans it sucked back then and it still sucks now. The day i killed zuljin with my tank buddy was awesome took us 20 trys and we wasn’t that geared.The troll lore bosses is the only thing wanted to down in vanilla WoW.

Blizzard can’t magically pull apart time to give you the same challenge, community and feeling of accomplishment.

Classic was 14 years ago, the community now is the same one that will play classic. There is far more information avaliable, and people are not children anymore. People have computers that can actually handle the game now. The majority of what you think Classic will have will not be there.

Considering how the raids in Classic are just a gear check and keeping 40 people in a raid, it sounds right up your alley.

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I have no idea what you’re trying to say, tbh.


Opinions are just that, opinions.

Building a community isn’t up to Blizzard, it’s up to the players. Of course there won’t be the same challenge, many of us already know what to expect and what we’re walking into. The feeling of accomplishment is surely going to happen, just getting your first green is a nice feeling.

Even if Classic raids are “gear checks” they’re still harder than any WQ. Also, I’ve been playing on beta, EVERYONE is nice to one another you know why? It’s because if you’re nasty to people on classic, you get blacklisted and you won’t get to do anything. If you ninja, you can’t just transfer in Classic it’s either level new toon or hope the community will forgive you.

That being said, that’s not even what the thread is about, it’s about WQs/Warfronts etc literally skipping raid tiers of content. You shouldn’t be able to just do WQs and get 402 ilevel.

Yeah i know and mine is i been there done that Classic is just the same thing i did years ago got nothing to prove to nobody i play with 2 people tops in WoW now so i am social just not guild social.So no i didn’t always get handed welfare gear as you so called it which is silly because thats a system that most poor people get in real life that has nothing to do with the game.