Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

And not everyone is a entitled kid that wants freebies. There is a reason retail is declining

They do when there’s other games that are more appealing, hence why a lot of the hardcore players will be returning for Classic.

It’s cool, a lot of folks in this thread are in complete denial about participation trophies. We’ll see what happens if it keeps going down this path, guarantee you it won’t be pretty.

Oh please, there’s tons and tons of people complaining they aren’t getting meaningful upgrades from casual content. I see dozens of players each day complain that there’s nothing to do and the highest content they’ve played through is lfr or at most a 10+ key once a week.

Not what im seeing on my server the so called declining is a myth on my server.

You’re in denial if you think WoW isn’t bleeding subs rn.


Playing other games is fine. But a player who quits is not a hardcore player. I’m perfectly fine if they no longer want to play WoW, but stop claiming they are hardcore players.

Most quit in hopes that classic/8.2 will be amazing but the majority of the player base is in for a surprise. But I can understand why would you want to be subbed if you don’t plan on playing until there’s some changes.

K, I know multiple mythic raiders, gladiator/rank ones that have quit the game due to A) how the game plays and B) how lacking the reward systems are but ok tell those players they weren’t “hardcore”.

BfA is the worst expansion since WoD, and even then WoD’s PvP was better than this by light-years and was never this bad.

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tbh his response doesn’t make sense. the only reason I’m still subbed is cause I still have another year of wow time from selling carries in WOD lol

That’s easy to say when all you do is world quests, I’m not being sarcastic either. If you did more content at end game you’d see there is a massive decline.


Lets be real most peoples end game is normal/heroic raiding.

Bro one server compared to the other 59 servers. Facts are facts bfa has a huge decline and if you don’t know that, it’s about time to move out of your bubble

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Well I can imagine that’s true when everyone’s CRZ’d with you.

Nah apparently those don’t count as end game, only mythic raiding/duelist+ ranking in pvp count as end game because that’s where the 15 ilevel over WQs comes from.

It’s hard to take seriously people who make such a claim, since so often I have seen claims that “it’s so easy to gear up, I got geared to heroic level in a week, anybody can!” And looking at their armory it’s clear they were carried through raids and high keys.

I don’t know you, I don’t know who your alt is. But spamming m+ dungeons for a month is definitely what the majority of players would see as way out of line.

The fact that you think this is something casuals owe you is beyond comprehension. Maybe it is you who should consider playing a single player game.

And by the way. I armory a lot of players. In Legion almost everybody had done at least some raiding. Now most have never even done LFR.

Mythic + dungeon completions now show on the front page of the armory. Most I armory have never even done one.

Elite players are a much smaller minority than they think they are.

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I do more then just world quests i just think its funny your stalking me of what i do or don’t do get a life.

And its attitude like this why I enjoy playing alone.

Don’t care about other servers only mine.

90% of the people i see are from my server and i hate it.Hate the fact its mostly my server.

You hate what?

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