Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

Now you’re arguing semantics.

WQs can be achieved in about 5 minutes (even less depending on the WQ). That should no where be the equivalent of downing an LFR boss.

You seem to believe though that someone should be able to get the same ilvl rewards whether through coordinated, group effort in a raid or doing a WQ.

Did you time this? You mean… exactly 168 hours?


Trying to paint me as this elitist that wants to take away gear from the casuals is completely missing the mark of what my previous statements were.

I highly doubt that me sitting down, making a BiS chart for the team, managing the roster, doing trial runs, coming up with a strat that works with our comp, wiping +300 times, making sure everyone has consumbles and actually finishing the raid is the exact same level of difficulty of content as clearing a WQ that is soloable to anyone.

And let’s say there are. That pool more than likely very small

Fun fact: Everything I listed is just a portion of what I had to do when raid leading Mythic.


And how long do you think it’s gonna take to take that alt to 410 doing only wqs?

In legion I was fully mythic geared on my main, I was getting tired of being out played by classes that were better suited for the dps roll so I ended up rolling an alt which I haven’t done for awhile. Ended up with an arms warrior which was super fun and even at 10 ilvls lower would out dps my main.
I played it for a month at most, it surpassed my mains ilvl/gear in a matter of a few weeks thanks to the titanforging/warforging system. It never even stepped into a mythic raid boss.

Hopefully never, since i cant even get myself to 410 doing M+ and raiding

Wow, way to necro a month old thread.

Raid rewards shouldn’t be invalidated.


Don’t think blizz is gonna cater to eltists.

Casuals pay the bills here.

If you want to take multiple months to get the best gear… whatever…that is your life.

But most people (casuals) can’t sacrifice their real life for wow pixels.

Don’t think this thread is gonna change that.


They’ve already catered to the casual even more so, you don’t need/require mythic ilvl gear to do your world quests/lfr/norm/heroic raids.
But why get rid of the hardcore player base when it can be an option for everyone to pursue, especially when they’re making bank hosting mythic + and raid competitions.

Hell there wouldn’t even be a need for carry sales if the majority of the casual player base was as bad as they’re currently.

… What?

That is… um, how shall I put this… your choice! You don’t have to do this… right?


Referring to the reward for doing higher end content. If people weren’t so bad at the game for either lack of skill or lack of effort/time invested there wouldn’t be a market to carry people through things they couldn’t do themselves.

This is ironic though since it’s going to take casuals that only do wqs multiple months, usually right up to the end of this season to even get close to 405 while mythic raiders and mythic 10ers get the best gear base and the fastest will blow past 405 long before wqers

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Wow has always had multiple difficulties, if you’re only doing world quests and refuse to do dungeons/raids then you deserve crappy gear/world quest gear. Why are we even talking about that?

You want to take loot from casuals which is mediocre at best when compared to loot from hardcore raiding and saying it’s not on anyone’s expense?!


To be honest the game is pretty garbage as it sits right now, I enjoy making gold more than playing my character as it sits right now.
But like that guy the only thing he did was log in do his emissaries and log out because he didn’t get an upgrade.
There’s more content than that, which makes me laugh because it happens to me too but I only like dungeons/raids anymore. So I complain there’s nothing to do but that’s my fault. There’s world quests/pvp/pet battling/old world content to farm for mounts or mog although I have every piece I could possibly want.

So the only other option would be to level another character but if you were me you’d hate leveling, I’d rather spend my gold on a boost and pay for a carry than level anymore.

Take gear from casuals? I am a damn casual. Im asking Blizzard to implement a reasonable character progression system where difficulty=reward and dumb luck dowsnt trump difficulty.

Gearing my alts is a farce with how easy the loot comes. Its a shallow system that is random and chaotic instead of consistently progressive and I hate how nothing feels rewarding anymore. Sorry that i dont enjoy the welfare raining down on my characters. Its not enjoyable to me


Difficulty does equal reward tho with mythic 10s, mythic raids, high end pvp rating and even down to heroic cos rewarding the best gear and the fastest way to gear up.

Classic gear will mean more than it does now, and there will be 10x more complaining that it’s more difficult to acquire. I remember going months without getting something beneficial.