Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

Just wait til they add world quests with effortless loot thrown out at people in classic because the player base is like 75% casual which I have no problem with but lack the ability to invest a decent amount of time/effort.

Nah. Last thing I want is to insult you but if you step away for a bit and read yor posts again, you may realize you did get across as one.

No one is disputing your accomplishments in the game and most casual don’t even visit forums.
I did everything you’ve listed and I do know how far you have to go, but I loved what I was doing, even grinding damn mats, leveling professions for specific raid 'till 4 AM… But I never felt the need to go after someone in the game who does not wish to go as far as I do.
Heck I spent days of playtime giving away free enchants, gems, FREE dungeons runs and gold not just to guildies and I felt good and did not feel the need to point out to anyone what I’ve done.


I don’t know about Spicy… but I went from fresh 120 to ilvl 367 this weekend in about 12 hours played on an alt.

I had to buy a few 300/310 pieces. Heroic dungeons and LFR once I hit 350. Timewalking was the real bonus though dropping 365s (only ran the 5 for the weekly quest).

WQs are dropping 365 I think now… something like that. The Emissaries are a bit better.

Reset this week will probably get me to 375-ish after LFR runs and new emissaries. To get higher I’m going to have to start hitting low M+s and PuG a normal though.

There are only 2-3 slots a Heroic dungeon will upgrade. Which to me is a bit of a problem. I love spamming randoms. Feel like I moved past them too fast.


I’m aware. Because I can get to the same end game by doing far less. Which I’m not interested in doing less for the same result

As has been pointed out here and elsewhere, higher difficulties provide far more opportunities, at better gear, covering all slots.


It’s not about pointing out the superiority of one person over another… it’s about the game system placing value in effort and skill. If gear doesn’t value that system, then it trivializes the gear. And Blizzard is in for a reality check as they continue to remove the effort vs reward dynamic in the game.

Why do you think so many people are excited about Vanilla?


Truthfully, they have been irrelevant for awhile. Heroic is the new normal, agree or disagree, that is how the devs chose to design it.

Im not asking to put out anything. Again this isn’t about making this an ego flex to AFK’ers in Boralus. I feel that the gear progression is completely random. In this expansion Effort does not equal Reward.

That’s why Classic is on the way right?

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No, which is where I said the “titanforging” should actually be reserved for; so that this happens in the appropriate content. Warfronts and WQ caches sure they should have 400+ gear, but titan forged Mythic… nope.

Do you realize how incredibly snobby and judgmental that is?


I tell it like it is, I don’t really care about your feelings if it’s true. If you can’t take the truth then get off the internet.

My feelings are not hurt, and it’s certainly not true simply because you refer to it as “truth.”


In pandaria and wod I was doing carry sales. I made 5 million gold in wod because the casual player base was incapable of doing heroic archimonde for the moose mount which was given to everyone as a quest. I was selling a carry every 2 minutes for 50-90k a pop.
Hell look in trade chat, there’s an infinite amount of carry groups spamming 24/7.

Who do you think their customers are?

Sorry, not really following. So you’re saying that WQ’s should reward lower ilvl gear, and not be able to TF up to higher level gear? So you just want to target specific items, but you’re okay with lower ilvl?

Is that correct?

Missing the point, you shouldn’t get the gear period, it’s not about the speed that it’s acquired. Game is bad rn because it doesn’t feel rewarding, why do you think Classic is so popular? It’s because almost every little thing in Classic had an impact.

You shouldn’t get heroic ilevel or higher gear for milking Sarah’s cow in the fields. They should be for prepping for entrance to end game content (normal raids, m0, starting pvp) else it negates the purpose of doing the lower difficulties why even have them at that point?

Participation Trophies are bad for the game, and society in general.


Hell I was in a guild for awhile during siege, had a guildie I found out after I left was selling challenge mode carries and was making 600$ a week in real money.

End game raiders weren’t the ones funding those carries, I mean there may have been a few that just wanted them quick and had the gold but it’s casual players that flip the bill to do higher end content.

You can’t get >400 ilevel gear base from wqs right period.

Your point is that casuals should continue to subscribe to pay for the creation of your content, but should get no gear with which to play the game regardless of how much they play or would want to play, if they had gear to do it with.

That’s your point, right?